Chapter 6.

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Around the time we had to go see the movie, I grabbed a coat for myself and for Harry then we headed out to the theater. We walked instead of driving, only because the weather was quite nice out tonight. I would look over at Harry every now and then, watching him as he'd look around our surroundings. When I'd look away, I'd smile before he could see. After about a 5 to 10 minute walk, we got to the theater, and entered through the doors. "Tickets please." I heard a lady said, so I pulled out my phone and scanned the bar code since that's a thing now, I suppose. "Thank you, enjoy your movie." She said, smiling and I smiled, giving a nod. I looked to my side, no longer seeing Harry beside me. Looking around, I spotted him at the counter for popcorn and drinks. "I'll pay for this since you got the tickets, okay?" He asked, and I nodded, standing beside him. "Do you want to share a large popcorn and have separate drinks?" He asked as I looked up at everything, "Yeah, I think that's best. It's quite a lot of popcorn." Harry stepped forward and ordered what we wanted and paid while I got the drinks once they were ready. Harry grabbed the popcorn and we headed to our theater. "Okay since this movie is supposed to be scary, we aren't sitting up close. Not happening" I heard Harry say from behind me and I couldn't help but to laugh a bit, "Scared are we?" I felt a kick on the back of my leg, making me stumble a bit, "Don't tease me. You know I don't like scary movies. You can sit up front while I'm in the back eating all the popcorn and you'll get none." He said. Harry's always been sassy, but what can I say? I am too. I allowed Harry to pick our seats, which weren't way up top, nor way up front, so pretty much we're in the middle. I took my seat beside him, kicking my feet up on the empty chairs in front of us. "Now we watch all 50 previews before the actual movie starts." I said, earning a small, gentle laugh from Harry. It was now 5:45 p.m. The previews have just finished, and now the movie is starting. This better be a good movie.

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