Chapter 44.

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 It's been a couple days now, and Harry still won't sleep with me. I just want to be able to hold him again, that's it. Why is that so hard to understand? Anyways, it's Thursday night and we have nothing planned. I have my body sprawled out on the couch, watching the movie Neighbors while Harry showers. He eventually came down and sat on the other couch, pulling his knees to his chest. I let out a sigh, looking towards him. "If you won't lay in bed with me, will you at least lay with me on the couch?" I asked. He stayed quiet, so I looked away, but then I heard shuffling heading my way. Next thing I know, Harry is crawling up under my arms, laying his body on mine, so I wrap my arms around him, keeping his close to me. I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead then I rested my head against his once his face was buried in my neck. "I really wish you'd just sleep with me, Harry." I spoke softly, "I just want to hold you at night like I used to. I know I fucked up, but you can trust me now. If you trust me enough to lay with me on the couch, you can sleep with me in bed." Harry just stayed quiet and I shook my head, "Come on, Harry. Just say something. I'm tired of this quietness from you. Just speak." I said and he sat up, "Fine you want me to speak? I won't sleep with you Louis. I'm not going to trust you right now, okay? I know I gave into you, but that doesn't mean I fully trust you enough to sleep in the same bed as you. So just give up already." He said, standing up. I can't believe this. I stood up after him, "What do you think I'm going to do to you in bed? Hit you again?! I just want to be able to fucking hold you again, and have you know that everything is going to be okay again. Why won't you just believe me?" I said, trying to control my temper. "It's not that I don't want to believe you, Louis. It's just.. I'm not going to sleep with you until I am ready to commit to it. And until that time, I'm keeping my distance from you again whether you like it or not. If you can't understand that, then find someone else who will sleep with you. " He told me then headed upstairs. I shook my head when I heard the bedroom door shut. I don't know what I can do in order to get Harry to believe me and actually get in bed with me. I just don't know what to do, so I give up. 

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