Chapter 3.

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During class, I've dozed off a few times. This economics class is absolutely boring to be honest. When the clock hit 9:30 a.m., the bell rang. Everyone got up as quick as they could and ran out the door, while I get my things together and I walk out, being the last. "Wait, Harry, can I talk to you?" I heard my teacher ask. I softly groan, walking back into the classroom and I stand beside his desk, "Yes?" He fixed his stack of papers then looked up at me, "I'm sorry, but you're failing this class. Either you come in for tutoring, or you'll have to repeat this class. Your choice." He explains to me. "Well, I won't be repeating, so I'd rather do tutoring." I say, crossing my arms. He nods in response, writing down times for me. "Alright, starting next week you'll need to be in here Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3 to 5. Is that okay?" He asks and I nod, "Yeah, it's fine. I'll talk to my mum about it" He nods once more and hands me the paper, "Have her sign this so she knows you'll be here those days then bring it back to me tomorrow." I took it, nodded then walked out. I walked down the hall, heading to my next class, walking inside the classroom. "Harry, you're late." Ms. Anderson said and I just shrugged it off, walking to my seat and I sat down, putting my paper into my backpack. I looked at the board and got out my notebook, starting to write down the notes. I felt my phone vibrate, so I took it out, placing it by my forearm and I checked the text from Louis, "Meet me by the back gate for lunch, okay?" I looked for the teacher then I replied back with, "Okay, I'll be there." I then locked my phone and put it away then focused on the notes. Whenever we'd take a break on the notes, I'd just watch the time go by, waiting for it to be lunch time for two reasons. One, food, and two, being with Louis. You see, I've had a "small" crush on Louis for about 11 years, so since I was 5. Now when you think about it, 5 year olds don't really know what a crush is. They think that sharing a bag of crisps is someone asking you to be their boyfriend or girlfriend, but I knew what this crush was. I know it's not right to like someone of the same gender, or especially your best friend.. but I can't help it. He's just so.. UGH. I always try to talk myself out of liking him because one, I don't think he's even gay, and two, he's my best friend. This isn't easy for me, but I get through it. I hope..

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