Chapter 31.

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(Warning: Smut!)


Okay, so yes. I'm starting to tease Louis. Why? Because it's fun to see him worked up. After our incident on the dancefloor, we headed back up to the bar, got more shots then repeated what we did on the dancefloor. Since we were both out of our minds from all the tequila shots, the teasing did in fact get worse. Hands were all over each other, grinding harder and heated kissing. At this time, I am pressed against the wall towards the back so no one could see us while Louis works his hips with mine and kisses up my neck. "The things I want to do to you, Harry." Louis told me, lightly biting on my neck, causing me to gasp and grip his hips as hard as I could. "What do you want to do to me, hmm?" I asked, turning my head to look at him. His eyes were fully blown with lust. I felt his hand slide down my body, running his fingers over my hardening member. He smirked once he felt it under his fingers, "Well, first. I want to take you home, strip you from these clothes.." He whispered, leaning in close to my ear, "And then get you down on your pretty little knees, and have you suck me off before I decide to fuck you into next week or maybe have you ride me. We'll see how good you are." I swear my body just stopped functioning. I'm not even sure I'm breathing. "Would you like that, baby?" He asked, nipping at my neck and I closed my eyes, nodding, "Yes." I'm not sure if it's the alcohol talking, or if Louis just suddenly got more dominant with sex. "Then let's go. Don't want to waste anymore time, now do we?" I shook my head, grabbed his hand and headed out. We were okay to drive, so I got in Louis' car and he got in the drivers side and headed home. I was already so eager to touch him. I sat on my hands to fight the urge to lean over, unzip his pants and just start blowing him. It felt like it was forever when we pulled up to the house. I quickly got out and headed to the front door where I waited for Louis who took his precious time to get to the door to unlock it. "Would you hurry up!" I said, trying to sound demanding, but it didn't work well cause I just got a laugh in response. He finally got to the door and unlocked it and I stepped inside. "Go to the room and undress then I want you to be on your knees in front of the bed. Now." Louis demanded and I nodded, running upstairs. I stripped out of my clothes, throwing them somewhere in the room then I got down on my knees and waited. I heard footsteps come up the stairs and down the hall. Louis stood in the doorway, his eyes meeting mine. He smirked, "Mmm, good boy." He stepped closer to me and when he was close enough, I rested my head on his thigh as I felt Louis' fingers run through my hair. "Head up, baby." He told me and I put my head up, looking up at him. He started to undo his jeans then pulled them down and stepped out of them. I bit my lip, looking down his body. He removed his shirt afterwards. I then started to mouth at his bulge, making sure our eyes met. I ran my tongue over his hardening outline. Louis then stepped back and I groaned. "Now now. No groaning or you won't get anything, got it?" He told me and I nodded, "Good. Now open your mouth." I then opened my mouth a bit, watching as he stepped out of his boxers, gripped himself at his base and stepped closer to me. He first moved his tip along my lips until I stuck my tongue out a bit, running it up the slit, collecting the precum that started to gather then he pushed into my mouth as I wrapped my lips around what was pushed into my mouth. I started to bob my head, gradually taking in more than what was already in my mouth. I felt Louis grip my hair, which made me bob and suck harder. To be honest, I love having my hair pulled. When I started to deep throat, I heard Louis let out deep grunts and moans of my name. "God your mouth, Harry." If I didn't have a mouthful of Louis' cock, I would be smirking, but instead I grazed my teeth up, which made Louis grip and pull my hair more. I took that as a good sign, so I would suck hard then graze my teeth up. "I'm gonna come soon if you keep doing that." Louis told me and I kept it up, looking up at him. I pulled off, but I kept the tip in my mouth, and I grazed my teeth against it and that's when Louis came. I kept my lips wrapped around the tip so I could get every drop I could. I slowly pulled off, swallowing and then I licked my lips. "So good, babe. Up." Louis said and I stood up as he kissed me, tasting himself on my lips and tongue. I kissed back then shortly Louis pulled away. "Want to ride you, please. Need you in me now." I begged, looking up at me, "I've been good, please." Louis nodded at my request and got on the bed, "Do you need a prep, or you okay this time?" He asked me and I crawled onto him, " 'M good." I responded. I might have lied to myself since it's been a while for us, but I'm eager and need this right now.

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