Chapter 37.

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Okay, so I decided to change up my dirty talking with Louis. Not like he's really going to do anything this second. Even if he were, I won't let it happen. It's fun to see him frustrated when he can't have sex. You make think it's torturous, but I love doing that to him.

-Next Day-

I woke up around 9:30 in the morning. I looked to my side to see an empty bedside. I slow sat up, stretching my arms up towards the ceiling then I swung my feet over the bed and placed them on the floor. As I stood up, I heard the shower going. Guessing Louis is in there. I walked to the bathroom in the guest room and did my thing. I washed my hands then headed back out, seeing Louis in the bedroom. He held his towel up around his waist while he searched for clothes. "You should probably get dressed. We're going out today." He told me and I nodded, looking in the closet for something to wear. I pulled out just a normal white v-neck shirt and skinny jeans. Once I had my clothes on, I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth then did something with my hair. Louis came up behind me dressed in his vans shirt and some shorts with his checkered shoes. He fixed his hair then once I stepped over, he brushed his teeth. I waited downstairs for Louis, then once he came downstairs, we headed out to the car. Louis unlocked the car doors and I got in the passenger side while he got in the drivers side. He started the engine and backed out of the driveway. "So where're we going?" I ask, rolling my window down a bit. "Just downtown. Do a little shopping." He told me and I nodded in response. "Anything specific?" I asked and Louis just stayed quiet. He's up to something. I know it. When we got into downtown, he parked the car and we both got out. He locked the doors and we started walking around. I would glance at him every once in a while, and all I'd see is a smug smile. We passed about 6 stores and then we got to a sex store. Yes. A sex store. You know, like Adam and Eve? Louis pulled me inside with him and we walked around. A worker saw us and walked over, "Good morning, is there anything specific you're looking for today?" He asked and Louis nodded, "Yeah. Where are your blindfolds, cuffs and the basic toys?" He asked. My eyes widened as I just stared at the ground. "Right this way." The man told Louis and he walked us towards the back. "We have a huge variety of toys. Vibrating and non vibrating. Basically anything. Everything you're looking for will be right here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." He said, giving a smile then he walked away, leaving us alone. I slowly looked up at Louis who was already looking at me with a huge smirk, "Should watch what you say." Now I regret what I told him last night. I let out a huff then began to look with Louis. It felt like it was hours, but I think this was part of Louis' plan. No, I'm not uncomfortable because everyone has a special thing they like to do in bed, and well. This is ours now. As we kept looking, Louis then grabbed four pairs of handcuffs. Two pairs of regular ones and two pairs of leather ones. He handed them over to me as he looked at the blindfolds. He grabbed only two. A black one and a grey one. And then something else caught his eye besides the toys. He saw more wrist restraints. Basically ties and rope. He walked over, running his fingers down the silk ties. He grabbed two blue silk ties, two pink silk ties and one thing of red rope. "You're turning Christian Grey on me." I told him and he smirked in response. "You'll love it." He told me and I bit my lip. "Now the toys then we'll go. Maybe test this out later. Depends if you're good for me." I nodded and I stood in front of the wall of toys. There were vibrators, dildos, cock rings and so much more. Now I don't know how this'll be, but I should give it a try, right? I watched as Louis looked over every single toy in front of us. He stuck his hand out and grabbed something. He showed me to see if I'd be okay. As I turned to look, I saw it was a sparkly blue vibrating dildo. "Will this do?" He asked me and I looked at him and nodded. "We'll get two. What other color do you want. They have blue, pink and purple." He said and I thought, then spoke, "I'll go with pink." He nodded and grabbed a pink as well then we headed to the cashier. He rang up everything, "Find everything okay?" He asked and Louis nodded, "We sure did. Thank you for showing us where it all wa- wait, Harry, go find some type of lube. I totally blanked out on that." Louis told me and I nodded, heading towards it. I looked at all the types. I don't want to be boring and get one that doesn't have a scent, so I got a strawberry, blue raspberry and another strawberry flavored lube then headed back and the cashier rang those up. Louis slid his card then took the bags. "Thank you so much." He said and the cashier nodded, "Enjoy." We walked out and headed to the car. I guess we'll see how this goes, yeah?  

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