Chapter 56.

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(Warning: Smut! *Daddy kink*)

Harry began to sink down and I let out a deep groan at the tightness. No matter how many times we have sex, this boy is always incredibly tight. I placed my hands on his hips, rubbing circles with my thumbs against his hipbones. I felt his arse rest against my hips and I knew I was balls deep. I looked at him, watching him place his hands on my chest as he began to pull off then sink back down. I bit my lip, sliding my hands to his arse as I spread him open to go in deeper. "C'mon baby. Fuck yourself on daddy's cock. Let me see you." I whispered in his ear, earning a whimper from him. After getting used to the stretch, he started to move his hips more going from small figure eights to slow bouncing. He dug his dull nails into my chest as his rhythm sped up. "Mmm, there you go baby. Just like that" I moaned , tipping my head back and my hands holding his sides. He bit his lip, rolling his hips then bounced again and my hands slowly removed from his sides. He was letting out small, high pitched moans then he stopped and removed his hands from my chest, placing them on my thighs as he bounced again, one hand stroking himself. My hands had found his sides once more and I held onto them, possibly leaving bruises as I thrusted up to meet his bouncing. "F-fuck, daddy." He moaned, leaning his head back. I smirked and I continued to thrust, looking for the bundle of nerves and when I found it, Harry basically screamed, clenching tightly around me. "Like that, baby? Did daddy find the good spot." I asked, thrusting harder to hit it dead on. He nodded as fast as he could, stroking himself faster. The room was filled with grunts, slapping skin and Harry's cries of "daddy" "fuck harder" "don't stop," which I never did stop. Harry was gripping at the sheets so hard his knuckles were white. I keep a tight grip on his arse, spreading him open as I thrusted deeper into him, never leaving that bundle of nerves. I looked down at Harry's cock trapped between our stomachs and the head was leaking pre-come. I reached one hand down, gripping Harry and his hips twitched and I began to stroke him while keeping my rhythm of hard thrusting. "Shit! Daddy, 'm gonna come. Please let me" He begged, practically crying. "Go ahead baby, you've been a good boy. Come for daddy" I said, thumbing over the slit and Harry let out a cry, coming hard on my hand and stomach. Overstimulation was hitting him because as I kept thrusting, hitting that bundle of nerves, he kept squirming, thighs were trembling. I held him in place, "It's okay, love. Daddy's gonna come." I moaned, thrusting one, two, three more times then I came deep inside Harry, letting out a deep grunt. We were both panting, trying to maintain it. I kissed Harry's head as I held him close to me. "You still with me, babe?" I whispered and he nodded, hiding his face in my neck. I slowly pulled out, rolling over so Harry was on his back. "I'll be right back" I said and I stood up, putting my boxers on and I walked to our bathroom and I got a wet flannel and came back, wiping off my chest, hand and some of Harry's chest. He then curled up and I laid beside him, pulling the covers over us. "I love you" I whispered to the sleepy Harry. He sleepily smiled, looking at me and whispered, "I love you too. Happy birthday" I held him close to me, rubbing his lower back as he drifted off to sleep. I kissed his head one last time before going to sleep myself.


When morning had arrived, the sunlight peeked through our curtains. I heard the sound of birds chirping as always. I slowly woke up, stretching my arms and I let out a low groan. I looked to my side to a sleeping Harry. The sunlight was hitting him, making his milky white skin glisten. His hair was a bit of a mess, but he looked good. A bit fucked, but good. I smiled to myself, leaning over and I placed a soft kiss on his right temple then I slipped out of bed as slowly and quietly as I could so I don't wake him. I walked to the bathroom, closing the door then I went. Once done, I washed my hands and walked out, going downstairs. I opened the curtains once I was in the living room then I took a seat on the couch and I put Harry's laptop on my lap. I opened Google and began to search for places to have the wedding. I wasn't sure when to have the wedding, or what the theme should really be so this search will not be easy. I browsed through a couple themes such as, Hawaiian or like the whole Twilight Saga wedding. That's when it hit me. Paris. I looked at places to see if we could possibly get married in front of the Eiffel Tower and there was. Perfect. I heard footsteps and I looked back to see Harry walking into the kitchen. "Good morning, babe." I called out and I heard a faint, "Morning, love." He then walked over, sitting down and sipped his juice. "What're you doing?" He asked and I looked at him, leaning my body back against the couch cushion, "Looking at places for the wedding and I think I found the perfect place." I said and he cocked up an eyebrow, "Where?" "Paris. You enjoyed the trip so much, so I thought we should get married there." I said with a smile, and he smiled, "I'd love that a lot. What about the honeymoon?" Shit. I didn't think about that. "Er, I don't know yet. I'll keep looking" I said and he nodded. I typed in 'Honeymoon ideas' and a ton popped up. Hawaii, The Bahama's, Bora Bora, Venice, etc. I think The Bahama's is the best. "How about the Bahama's?" I asked, getting Harry's attention. "Yeah, I hear that place is amazing and so relaxing." I smiled, "Looks like we're set with the wedding, well sort of. When should we have it?" I asked and he pursed his lips, thinking. "How about May? The weather shouldn't be too bad." He suggested. "Yeah, I think that'll be perfect." I closed the laptop then I scooted over to him, pulling his body to me and I hovered over him as I got a slight squeal. I smiled, looking down at him. "Ready for this step in life?" I asked and he smiled, nodding. "I am as long as you are." "I've been ready" I said, leaning down and I kissed him sweetly. He smiled into it, kissing back then pulled away, speaking, "You're the best thing in my life." I looked into his eyes, "And you're the greatest thing that's happened to me." He really was.

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