Chapter 19.

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Louis and I have been dating for about a month now, and I'm really happy we are. You'd never imagine that you'd ever date your best friend, but hey, it might just happen. You may love it, or you may hate it, but to me, I absolutely love it. I love it because Louis is so caring, loving and very protective. I'm not kidding either.. Today is Wednesday and I'm walking through the hall, waiting for Louis. He told me he was held up in class, I'm just roaming around. That's until I'm pushed down to the ground. I can't really see who it is yet because they have my head pressed hard against the cement ground. "There's the little fag boy." The person said, holding me down. They had a deep voice, so now I know it's a guy. "Where's the other fag, hmm?" He asked, kicking me in the side, causing me to whimper and close my eyes. "Aww, the baby won't talk." He said, laughing and kicked me once more before flipping me over onto my back and he pinned me down. I looked up at him, wide eyed. I wiggled around, trying to get out of his grip. "I don't think so, Styles." His friend said. Fuck, I'm going to get jumped. "W-what did I do?!" I asked, panicking. I just heard laughter as the one pinning me down, picked me up, gripped my biceps hard and dragged me away into a janitors closet. I tried to run, but I just couldn't, so I closed my eyes tightly, hoping for the best. He threw me down onto the ground as him and his friend blocked the door once it was locked. I managed to crawl under the table that was in there and I scooted all the way back against the wall. I held my knees to my chest, shaking by now. One of the guys got down on his knees and crawled under the table, pulling me out by my ankles. I kicked at him, trying to grip onto the leg of the table, but his pull was so strong, I couldn't hold on. That's when the real beating started. One punched my face over and over again, possibly popping my jaw out of place or even breaking my nose, while the other kicked my stomach. I yelled as loud as I can for help from anybody. After the one stopped punching my face, he covered my mouth to muffle me while the other continued to kick my stomach until I was coughing things up into the ones hand. I was crying by this point. I screamed one last time until the door was kicked open. I couldn't see who it was due to me blacking out here and there, but I could hear the sounds of punching, and bones cracking. That's when I officially blacked out cold.

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