Chapter 32.

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(Warning: Smut!)


Harry already looks so wrecked, so eager while crawling onto my body. I got myself more comfortable as I put a pillow behind my head. He reached over, opening our nightstand drawer and pulled out the small bottle of lube then sat back on my thighs, opening the bottle. I watched as he put some in the palm of his hand and then he covered my member with it and I bit my lip at the feeling. Once he finished, he tossed the bottle and moved up, lining himself up with me. I noticed that he sucked in a breath while slowly sinking down onto me. He would stop every now and then to get used to the stretch then he'd continue to go down until his arse was against my thighs. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, eyes glossed and lips swollen. "Take your time, love." I told him, rubbing his hipbone with my thumb as he nodded in return. It took him about 5-10 minutes to actually begin moving. He'd slowly move his hips forward and back and then in figure eights. I kept one hand on his hip while the other was behind my head as I watched him. Not long after, he began to pick up the pace, lift himself and then go down. Each time he'd lift himself, he'd go down harder and had a really good rhythm while bouncing. When he began to bounce, I leaned my head back, closing my eyes as grunts escaped from my lips. "Doing so good baby. So good." I grunted out and I would get a moan in return as Harry worked himself more, bouncing more. This boy was made to ride cock. Nothing else. He then placed his hands on my thighs, leaning himself back for a better angle and worked himself more, meaning he bounced as much as he could, while doing it quickly. I knew he wasn't going to last long, so I ran my hand down his hip and gripped his aching member that needed attention. He whimpered in return as I slowly stroked him, flicking my wrist. "N-need help, please." He whined out. I nodded and held his hips with both of my hands and I thrusted up into him, earning a loud, high pitched moan. I smirked, knowing what I just hit. I thrusted up into the same spot, getting another high pitched moan as he threw his head back. His moans are like ecstasy, especially when high pitched. I practically pounded into the spot, hitting his prostate dead on each time. Harry moaned out my name and I'm sure our neighbors could hear it and then he leaned forward, hands beside my head and I took over while he took it all. I stopped thrusting and I rolled us over, so Harry was now on his back and I began to thrust again. Deep and hard. Harry's back arched as much as it could while I kissed down his chest, marking him up. I grunted at the feeling of his nails digging into my skin. He let little 'uh uh uh's' slip from his lips and my name after each hard thrust. "Louis, I'm gonna.- fuck!" He spoke and then his body just shook while he came hard all over his stomach when I gave one last hard thrust against his prostate. I didn't last long after him, coming for my second time. The room was filled with pants coming from us both as I rested my forehead against his. I eventually pulled out and laid beside Harry, pulling him close to me. He was getting his pants under control and I'm guessing he was so wrecked, he fell asleep just like that. I smiled a bit, reaching over and I grabbed some tissues, wiping off his stomach then I tossed them in the trash and I pulled the covers over us. No need to worry about clothes right now. I held him close to me, noticing how he softly hummed in his sleep. I could just lay here and admire this boy, but I'm getting tired myself. I put my head down, resting my forehead against his shoulder blade as I fell asleep.  

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