Chapter 38.

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As we got closer to the car, I opened the trunk and put the bags in then closed it and locked it up. "Want to get something to eat?" I asked Harry, who nodded. I held my hand out for his and he put his on mine, lacing our fingers. I smiled and I began walking with him. "What're you in the mood for?" I heard Harry ask. "I'm not sure. Wanna get maybe a burger? There's that really good burger joint we haven't been to." I said and Harry nodded with a smile, "Sounds good to me." We crossed the street and headed towards the burger joint. We were about maybe 5 feet away and I heard someone yell out Harry's name. Harry turned around as did I and I saw about 3 older boys. "Louis, let's keep walking, okay?" Harry said desperately and pulled me to start walking. "No. I know who these assholes are. What do you want?" I said to the 3 guys. "We want your pussy ass boyfriend." One said. Harry hid behind me. If you're wondering, these assholes are Harry's bullies from school. "And why do you want him?" I asked and one laughed, walking over and pushed me away and grabbed Harry. Harry desperately kicked and thrashed around. "We're happy we ran into you two and we just missed him so much that we wanted to give him a good time beating." He told me while the other two grabbed ahold of me to hold me back. The one holding Harry slammed his body up against the brick wall of the burger joint and Harry whimpered, closing his eyes tightly. I couldn't just stand here and watch Harry get beat up. I tried my hardest to get out of their grip, but they held my arms as tight as they could. Why isn't anyone around here helping? When I looked Harry's way again, he wasn't there. Next thing I heard was his cry for help. That's what set me off. I kicked one of the guys in the shin and he released me then I did the same to the other. I ran towards where Harry yelled and I saw him on the ground, holding his stomach. He then got kicked hard in the stomach and I swear I could feel it in my gut. I ran over, pushing the guy away and into the wall. I pushed hard enough his head hit the brick, but then he came back at me, striking me in the face. I did the same to him, hitting him right under his chin then when he held right there, I moved closer to Harry who was in so much pain to even move. Something I've never told Harry is that I have anger issues. So when something like this happens, I tend to lose control, but it depends on the situation. When the guy headed my way, he threw a punch, but I dodged and threw one at him right in the gut. He groaned and bent over and I had the perfect angle to strike him in the head, which I did. Well false. I hit him on the side of his face, so around his temple and he stumbled over. He stayed down and I helped Harry up who groaned and bent over, holding his stomach. I helped him to the car, unlocking it and I put him inside then I got in on my side. I started the car and drove home. The ride was dead silent. When I pulled up, I turned the car off and helped Harry inside the house. He flinched a few times when I'd try to look at his stomach. "Harry, I need to see the damage. I need to see if it's serious." I told him and he nodded, allowing me to slowly pull up his shirt. It wasn't terribly bad. Yes, he's going to have a couple nasty bruises, but at least nothing was broken like last time. "Go lay down, okay? I'm going to get the bags out of the trunk." I told him, kissing his head and he walked to the bed and laid down. I headed out to the car and I got the bags then headed in. Once I put them down, I headed out back and I sat on the porch. Suddenly anger took over and I punched the wall beside me. I stared at my knuckles as a tiny amount of blood started to show up. I guess the sound of me punching the wall echoed and Harry heard because I then heard a soft voice, "Louis?" I turned and looked at Harry standing behind me, "Louis, are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, getting up. "Thank you for doing what you did." He told me and I nodded, rubbing my knuckles. "You know Harry, you have to stand up for yourself one of these times. I can't always be there to save you." I told him. He looked down at his hands and nodded, "I know." He said and I stared at him. This is where my anger is so built up that I can't control what I do. "Then why don't you fucking try for once. Because if you just keep being how you are, you'll probably get yourself beat to death and it'll be your fault." I snapped. Harry swallowed hard, "Louis, stop being an ass, okay?" I took a step closer to him, "Then stop being a pussy ass." I said and he backed up, "You're such a fucking prick right now." Harry said and I just snapped. I swung my hand up and next thing I know, Harry's body is down on the ground against the wall. He's got his hand against his cheek and his eyes closed tightly. "Harry.. I.." I began to speak, but Harry just got up and ran inside, slamming the door behind him. What have I done. 

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