Chapter 41.

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When morning came, I stayed in the guest bedroom. I wasn't willing to go downstairs or anything. I didn't want to face Louis. I don't know when I'll want to really face him and give him my trust again. I don't think he understands that at all, but I could be wrong. I could even be wrong with myself. I may want to just get up and go to Louis and give him all of my trust again and believe he won't ever lay a finger on me again, but I don't? I'm confused with myself. I don't know what to do to be honest.


Around noon, I heard a knock on the door. I stayed in bed and I looked over at the door, speaking, "It's open." The door opened and Louis walked in, staying by the door as my eyes laid on him and his laid on me. "I was coming to see if you were awake. I made lunch, your favorite actually, if you're hungry." He said and I looked at my hands. He's trying so hard to gain my trust again, I see it and feel it, but I just can't give it to him. Not right now at least. I will soon. I promise you that. I looked up once more and looked at him, "Thanks. I'll be down there in a couple minutes." I said and he nodded, walking out and he slowly closed the door behind himself. I got myself out of the bed, pulled my shirt down a little then I opened the door and headed downstairs. Louis sat at the kitchen island, eating the lunch he had made. I walked over, grabbing myself a plate and I put some of the food, which was tacos, in fact my favorite, onto the plate. I took a seat beside Louis and began to eat. We ate in silence and I'm not sure how much longer it'll stay like this. It just might for a long time. After we both finished eating, I helped him clean up, staying in silence. Once the kitchen was cleaned, I felt Louis' eyes on me. I slowly looked up, locking my eyes with his. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I could see the pain that's trapped behind them. Better yet, I can feel the pain and it hurt so bad. I looked away, earning a soft sigh from Louis. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath then I reopened my eyes and took a couple steps until I was now in Louis' arms. He immediately wrapped his arms around my small body and just held me as close as he could. I kept my face hidden in his chest, eyes closed. "I am so so sorry, Harry. I will never ever lay another hand on you again. I fucking promise you. I cannot lose you." Louis said and I nodded against his chest, speaking softly, "It's okay. You won't lose me." After I had spoke, it was silence. I remained in Louis' arms as he slowly started to sway us. This felt right, but is it right? Should I have waited longer, or is it okay with what I did? I guess I just followed what my heart wanted and it wanted this. I wanted this. I needed to be in his arms again. I needed to feel him again, hear him again. I just needed him. 

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