Chapter 21.

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It's been about 2 days since I've recovered from my broken rib and fucked up jaw. I haven't returned to school, so Louis has been by my side everyday. He'd go to school and get what I miss from class then bring it back and help me with it. "Can you get my painkiller? My pain is coming back." I said, adding a whimper as I tried to get more comfortable. Louis nodded and handed me my pill along with a bottle of water. I took the pill then put the water beside me, leaning my head back. "This absolutely sucks, you know?" I say, watching Louis nod and frown, "I'm sorry babe. I still hate myself for not being there. This would've never happened." I covered his mouth, "Shh. It's not your fault, okay?" I said as he nodded then I put my hand down, "Cuddle with me, but be gentle" I said, and Louis got up, crawling onto the bed and cuddled with me. Oh, so you know, I'm always the little spoon. He held me close, but made sure he was gentle around my side and he hide his face in the back of my neck. I closed my eyes, holding his forearm. "Thank you for always being by my side. It means a lot." I said. "I'll always be by your side no matter what. I have been since day one and I will till the end." He said, making me smile. "I love you." I said, feeling his smile against the back of my neck, "I love you too, Haz." God, I couldn't ask for anything more. Soon enough, I ended up falling asleep because a side affect of the painkiller is being sleepy. Goodnight for now.

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