Chapter 59.

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It was now the middle of July. I'm sorry to leave out all the details with our honeymoon, but it's better if we keep that to ourselves. Today is the big day and that big day is the adoption! Louis and I are finally ready to adopt and I couldn't be happier. I believe we're ready for this part in life. We'll be a real family and that's all I've ever wanted to have. A family of my own. Louis just got out of the shower, so now he's getting dressed while I wait for him "Louis, hurry up." I called out from downstairs. "I'm coming. Hold on" He replied. After about 2 minutes, he walked down in shorts and a black vans shirt. "Okay, let's go" He said I ran out the door to the car. I heard a chuckle from behind and Louis locked up the house then unlocked the car. I got in and buckled myself up as Louis got in and buckled himself up. "Ready for this?" He asked me and I nodded, smiling, "I'm so ready." He smiled and started the car then started to drive to the adoption clinic. "So what age should we look for?" I asked. "Maybe around 2 or 3." He said and I nodded. "This is going to be amazing" I said and I felt Louis' hand on my knee. "It sure is" I smiled at his words and put my hand on top of his.


We arrived to the clinic and I got out of the car, closing the door behind me. Louis stepped out and walked over to me and I headed inside with him. "I'm so nervous" I whispered and Louis chuckled. "Don't be." We walked to the front desk and the lady looked at us and smiled, "Hi! What can I do for you two today?" I looked over at Louis who looked at the lady, "Hi. We're actually here to adopt. I put in some paperwork about 2 weeks ago and they came back approved." Louis said. "Name please?" She said. "Oh, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Tomlinson" I smiled at the last name I now have. She looked through the files and soon enough she pulled out a file with the name "Tomlinson" written on the tab. "Here you are. So what gender and age limit are you two looking for exactly." She asked and Louis looked at me. I looked at him then her, "Yes, Um, we were thinking a little girl maybe around 2 or 3." I said and she smiled, nodding. "We have only a few in that particular age range, so let me get their files and you can have a look." She told us, standing up. We took a seat as she disappeared into the back room. I looked around the office. It was plain white. Had a couple pictures of flowers on the walls. Nothing really fancy. She returned about 5 minutes later and placed 3 files in front of us. "Here you go. Go ahead and have a look then when you have decided, just come back up." She said and I nodded then she walked back to her chair. "So we have Zoe, Emma and Audrey." Louis said and I opened each file, handing Louis one and I began to read about each. Zoe had dirty blonde hair. Blue eyes mixed with a tint of brown. She's 3 years old. Loves to color, so we'll definitely have to get a lot of coloring books. I told Louis about Zoe and he told me about Emma. "She's brunette. 2 and a half. Green eyes. She loves to try and help with anything she could possibly do." He said and I nodded. "And what about Audrey." I said and he picked up her file and we both looked. "She's 3. Also brunette. Blue eyes. She also loves to help around all she can. Loves to draw." I read and he smiled. "This is so hard." He said and I nodded. "Too hard." I added. He looked at me, "So who are we picking." I looked back at him, "It's too hard, Louis. I like them all. Who do you like?" I asked. "I think Zoe." He said and I nodded, standing up and I collected the files. Louis stood up and walked with me to the front counter. "Have you two decided?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes, we decided on Zoe." I say and she smiled. "Wonderful. If you'd like to stay right here, I will go and get her and her belongings for you." I nodded at her words. She then disappeared again while Louis and I waited. She returned a couple minutes later with a little dirty blonde haired child. I turned to face them and I smiled when I saw Zoe face to face. She looked at Louis and I and hid behind the lady who handed Louis her belongings. I kneeled down to her level as she peeked at me. I smiled at her and watched a smile grow on her face. "Zoe, this is your new family." The lady said and I heard a soft giggle come from her. "So I'll just need you to sign a few things and she's yours." She said and Louis nodded. "Of course." He walked to the front counter while I finally got to hold Zoe. I can't describe what I'm feeling right now. Okay I lied. I feel like crying becausese this is everything I've ever wanted and I finally have it. I stood up, picking Zoe up and I placed her on my hip as I walked over to the lady and Louis who was signing the paperwork. I then signed as well and she smiled. "Alright you two. You're set. Thank you so much for coming in." She said and we both nodded, "Thank you so so much for this." I said. As we walked out, Zoe waved goodbye then looked around when we were outside. I placed her in the car, putting her in a booster seat in the backseat of the car. I buckled her in then I got in the passenger seat. Louis got in the drivers side and we headed home. --

Finally, a real family of my own.

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