Chapter 52.

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I was awaken by Harry jumping on the bed, screaming, "Happy birthday!" Yup, today is the day I turn the big 21. "Thank you, babe." I said in a raspy morning voice. I hadn't officially opened my eyes, or made an effort to get out of bed. I felt Harry crawl on top of me then lip against mine. It was a quick simple kiss then he jumped off the bed, "C'mon! You have gifts to open" He told me and I slowly got up, and followed him downstairs. Once in the living room, I sat on the couch and Harry walked over with two wrapped gifts in his hands. I took them from his hands, setting one beside me then I opened the one in my hands. As I tore the wrapping paper off, I noticed it was a black box. I got all the paper off then I opened the box. It was the Platinum Rolex watch. I smiled then opened the other and discovered it was the Steel and Yellow Gold Rolex watch. "These are amazing. Thank you, love." I said, looking at Harry who smiled and handed me an envelope, "Now this one won't be for a while, but yeah." He told me as I opened the envelope. "No way. A yacht?!" I said, completely shocked. This is way too expensive, but Harry knows how to treat me well. "Yup. For a week it'll be all yours." He told me and I put the envelope beside me then I pulled him to me by his waist. "You're too good to me." I told him as he straddled my lap. "Just like you are to me." He said and I smiled, kissing him. He kissed back, pulling away shortly after, "Oh yeah, you have another gift, but you'll be getting it later." He said, looking at me while smirking. I caught on once I saw his smirk and I raised an eyebrow, "Hmm, wonder what it could be." "You'll have to wait and see." He whispered seductively in my ear, slightly nipping then he got up and walked away. I groaned, leaning my head back. He was born a natural tease and with that, it have both its pros and cons.


It was 7:30 pm and we were at the restaurant with my family and Harry's family. I sat beside Harry while our families sat around us. I had the menu between Harry and I so we could both decide on something. "So boys, how're things?" My mother had asked and we both looked her way. "Things are great to be honest." I heard Harry say and I smiled as she smiled, "I'm happy to hear that." She said. "How are things with you and the kids?" Harry asked, "Oh everything is wonderful. Thank you for asking." He nodded then looked around as our waitress walked up to our table. "Are we ready to order?" She asked and I looked around as everyone nodded. "Appears we are. Mum, would you all like to go first then we'll go?" I offered and she nodded, "Of course." -- After everyone has ordered, we awaited our food. While waiting, we either asked questions about what we've done in the time we all haven't spoken or how things are going outside of the home. It wasn't long till our food had arrived, and once it did, we all began to eat. "You did a great job on picking a place to eat, Harry." Anne said and I noticed everyone nodded in agreement. "Well thank you for that, mum." He said and I smiled as I took a bite of my food. Anne is right. This place is delicious. As we continued to eat, and most of the family became close to finishing, I began to feel anxious. "Louis, you okay?" Harry asked and I looked at him, "Yeah, perfectly fine." I told him, trying to seem like I wasn't lying. He slowly nodded then went back to eating. Once there was a couple of us eating, some employees came over with a small cake. Of course someone told them it was my birthday. I mean I don't hate whoever told them. It's nice to have other people know it and bring you something. They sang happy birthday and the family joined in including Harry. "Thank you all so much." I said as I cut the cake up and gave a piece to everyone at the table. --


When everyone was done with their food and the cake, we all started to talk. I grew more anxious as the time flew by. "Sorry to interrupt, but is it okay if I say a little something?" I asked as everyone looked my way. "Yes, of course." I heard Anne say. "Alright, well. I know I've said it many times, but thank you all for being here, and Harry, thank you for planning this amazing dinner. And Harry, I actually want to thank you for a lot more." I began saying, watching how he began to get anxious himself. I only knew this by his facial expressions. I turned in my chair so I could face him and right then and there, I think everyone knew what I was about to do. "Well, where do I begin? I want to thank you for being you. For being the greatest friend and boyfriend to me. We've had our ups and downs, but in the end, we were one again. We're strong together, but without one another, we're weak. I want to thank you for loving me each and every day. I know at times it can be challenging, but you find a way to manage it. You've been my best friend since birth. You've been my shoulder to lean and cry on and you still are. You're the cupcake to my boo bear. You're my rock, my anchor. My everything and I mean everything. I couldn't picture this world without you and I don't want to picture that. The day I asked you to be my boyfriend was the second best day of my life, seeing how the first was meeting you and I have to thank your mum for meeting my mum. Even if they never met, I still would've found you. I still would've fallen in love with you the same way I did 5 years ago. Everyday I wake up, I turn and I looks at you as you sleep and I think about all the things I want to do with you in the future. I want to wake up with you beside me. I want to hear your voice everyday complaining about something dumb I did. I want to marry you. I want to have children with you, but most importantly, I want to grow old with you and take my final breaths with you. I wouldn't want anyone else, but you babe." I stopped as I got up from my chair and got on one knee in front of him, opening the little black box, "So will you Harry, marry me?" -- 

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