Chapter 33.

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It was maybe 11 am when I had woken up. I didn't have much of a hangover, but I did feel a headache creeping up. I looked to my side to find Louis still asleep. I smiled and leaned over, softly kissing his forehead. As I shifted my body, I realized I was still naked from last night, so I slowly got up and put on a pair of boxers. As I began to walk across the room to pick up our clothes, the floor creaked and I quickly turned around to make sure I hadn't waken Louis, and thank god I didn't. He's not really a morning person, especially when he's been drinking the previous night. After I had thrown our clothes into the hamper, I walked into our bathroom, quietly shutting the door behind me, and I turned on the sink and put water on my face. I grabbed a towel and patted my face dry then I opened the medicine cabinet and took two Advil. Once I swallowed, I walked out and headed downstairs to make breakfast for Louis and I. When I got into the kitchen, I pulled out eggs and pancake mix. I first started to make the pancakes then moved onto the eggs. Not long after finishing the eggs, I felt hands slide down my sides to my hips and a kiss on my bare shoulder blade. I smiled and slightly turned my head to see a sleepy Louis behind me. His hair was a complete mess I must say. "Morning babe." I said to him after I had missed his cheek. He smiled and leaned against the counter, "Good morning." I turned off the stove and put the eggs on our plates then handed one to Louis. "This is a good thing to wake up to. Seeing my gorgeous boyfriend in the morning cooking us breakfast." He said and I laughed a bit, "Well you can't cook, so you're welcome." He smiled in return and started to eat as so did I. Louis was the first to finish and I finished shortly after. "So since I cooked, you can wash the dishes then we'll go shower. Sound like a plan?" I asked him and he nodded, beginning to wash the dishes. I waited until he finished all the dishes then I headed upstairs to our bathroom where I then started a shower. I heard the door close behind me and a pair of hands on my hips. "Don't get freaky. You got your fun last night" I said, laughing a bit and I heard Louis chuckle, "Don't worry." I pulled the diverter and the water began to fall from the shower head. I went to pull my boxers down, but Louis was already doing that for me. "You know, I do have two hands that aren't broken" I said and he shrugged, "Well maybe I wanted to undress you." I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit then I stepped into the shower and Louis followed me in once he stripped from his boxers. I stood under the water so it would get my body wet then I started to wash myself. I would wash my body while Louis would wash his hair then we'd switch. Every now and then I'd ask Louis to wash my back for me and I'd return the favor. Somedays it'd actually get done, and then other days, it wouldn't if you know what I mean. After Louis would wash my back, he'd add a gentle kiss to my shoulder blade and I'd smile at the touch. Most of the time, we'd just wash then get out, but sometimes we'd just stand in there allowing the water to fall against our bodies and we'd share some kisses, some short and some long and passionate. After we both rinsed off, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and handed Louis a towel once he had stepped out. We both walked into the room and looked for clothes. "Do we have plans today?" I asked, shooting him a glance and he shrugged, "Not that I know of." I nodded and I decided to put on a low v-neck shirt with a pair of adidas sweatpants. I dried my hair and watched Louis put on a tank top and basketball shorts and he smiled at me when he noticed me watching. I smiled back then I hung out towels up. "So lazy day it is. How about we watch some movies." He said and I nodded, "Sounds great to me."

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