Chapter 30.

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After we ate our dessert and said goodbye to our families, Harry and I headed to a nightclub. It's been a while since we've gone out together. Last time, Harry got lost in a nightclub and I ended up leaving him there.. wasn't good. Anyways, I don't plan on leaving him this time. We stood in line for about 20 minutes and then they started to let people in, asking for ID of course. Harry and I both showed ours then walked in. I kept my hand tight on Harry's waist as we walked through the crowd of people. Now tonight, I might be getting laid. Not sure yet, but let's just hope. "Let's head over to the bar, yeah?" I asked Harry, kind of yelling so he could hear me over the loud music. I got a nod in return and he walked us over to the bar. Once we got to the bar, I released my grip on Harry's waist and took a seat beside him on a stool. "What can I get for you two tonight?" The bartender asked, "8 tequila shots, please." I told him and he nodded, pulling out 8 shot glasses and poured the tequila into them, then passed them my way. I gave 4 to Harry and faced him. He took a shot glass, looked at me then we both took the shot and then put the glass down. We finished the other 3 we had and then I ordered another round. We had about 3 rounds before we got up and headed into the crowd of people. My hand holding onto Harry's waist. He pressed up against me once he had found a spot for us to be. He then tipped his head back, resting it on my shoulder as we began to slowly grind on each other. His height was perfect like I told you earlier because his arse meets my groin perfectly. I attached my lips to his neck, now holding his hips, grinding harder. I began to nip and suck on his neck, leaving a decent hickey then I blew on it, feeling him shiver against me. I smirked, "About time you had another one of those. Especially in this place." Harry then put his head up, biting him lip and he pressed back harder against me, grinding ever so fucking slow, causing me to groan and grip his hips, "Teasing, are we? I wouldn't if I were you now." I told him and I got a devilish smirk from him, "Whoops, too late." and with that, Harry started to walk into the crowd. I swear this boy. I followed him into the crowd and once I had him in my sight, I grabbed his hips, pulling him towards me. This time chest to chest. I heard him gasp as he looked up at me. I leaned down, connecting our lips. I felt his arms wrap around my neck as he deepened the kiss. I slid my tongue along his lip and once he parted his lips more, I slip it in. The taste of tequila still lingers. After a good heated kiss, I slowly pulled away, opening my eyes and I looked at him. He had his lip between his teeth, eyes were blown with lust. I'm sure mine were exactly like his, but I didn't want to do anything just yet. I kind of want to hear him beg for everything. I might as well spice things up tonight.

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