Chapter 51.

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Once dinner was served, Louis and I sat at the kitchen island and began to eat. "How is it?" I asked, glancing at Louis as he took a bite. He nodded to tell me it was good rather than speaking with a mouthful of food. I smiled then took another bite for myself. This has always been a great tasting meal. We took about 30 minutes to properly eat the meal and once we were done, I collected our plates and headed to the sink. I ran the water then grabbed the sponge, applying soap and began to wash the dishes. As I scrubbed and rinsed of the dishes, I felt a pair of hands slide down my sides and hook onto my hips. I smiled to myself when I had felt Louis' chin on my shoulder. "Dinner was good, thank you." He whispered, kissing my jaw then my cheek. "You're welcome" I whispered back as I turned off the water. "I'm going to go shower then how about we cuddle in bed?" He asked me as he turned me around to face him. "Hmm, I'd like that." I say, smiling. He smiled then let go of my hips so he could go upstairs. When I had heard the water running, I finished up in the kitchen then I turned off the light as I headed up the stairs to our bedroom. I walked down the hall and I turned into the last room on the right, switching a lamp on beside the bed. Before I laid down, I put on my pajama shorts then I slid into the bed. Louis took about 20-25 minutes to shower and while I waited, I watched Mrs. Doubtfire. Amazing movie. It's still tragic to know Robin has passed. I heard the water turn off and saw Louis step into the room with a towel around his waist. It hung long on his waistline and I couldn't stop staring. I bit my lip, finally looking at the tv. I'm sure if I were to look at Louis, he'd have a smirk painted across his face. He crawled into bed beside me when he had on only a pair of tight boxer briefs that fit him very.. very well. "Well you smell better than you did before." I told him, earning a laugh in response. "Well I would hope so." Louis said as he snaked his arm across my waist and pulled me close to him. His chest was to my back while his hand rested on my stomach. I turned off the tv then placed my hand onto his, running my thumb across his knuckles. I felt a kiss on my shoulder blade all the way up to where my neck and shoulder meet. "What's on your mind, babe?" He asked. "Huh? Oh, nothing. Just getting sleepy" I admitted. "Then let's go to sleep, yeah?" He whispered as I nodded. I reached over and turned off the lamp then leaned back into his embrace. He softly moved his thumb across my stomach as I started to drift off to sleep. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too, H."


When morning had come, I woke up before Louis which is good because now I can search for gifts before he awakes and asks questions. I slowly snuck out of bed and grabbed my laptop then headed to the stairs. I quietly walked down them then entered the living room. I placed my laptop on the table as I sat on the couch. I opened my laptop, turned it on then logged in. Once I was logged in, I went to the internet and began my search. To be honest, I had no idea what Louis might want. It's hard to buy anyone a gift, really. I mean it's only easy if they're little or not wanting a gift. I looked through a lot of sites that might help, but there was none. I began to grow frustrated, but maintained to stay calm. Finally something came to mind. I searched up Rolex watches and clicked the website. I automatically saw two that might go perfect with Louis. One was Platinum while the other was Steel and Yellow Gold. Yeah, they're expensive, but it's for his birthday and Louis deserves the best. I added them to my cart then went to checkout. I put in my information then purchased my order and I looked at the date I had to pick them up in the store. Sweet, the day before his birthday, and you see, his birthday is only two days away, so I'm basically picking them up tomorrow. As I was about to click out of the website, I saw an ad about a yacht. It's definitely caught my attention because who doesn't love yachts? I clicked on the ad to see where it'd take me. As the page opened, big red bold letters flashed across my screen saying, 'Own a yacht for a week!' "Perfect!" I said to myself. Louis would love this and I don't care how much it is. It's worth it for a week. I then once again put in my information then purchased it for around summer time seeing how that's available and it would be better in the summer time than right now because it is winter. I exited out of every page just in time for Louis to walk into the kitchen. "Morning, love." I called out as I shut my laptop down. "Morning" He called back to me. I stood up and walked to the kitchen where I then gave Louis a kiss on the cheek. "Sleep well?" He asked me, returning a kiss on my cheek. "In fact, I did. I don't know why I got tired all of a sudden, but I'm well rested." I said, seeing a smile appear on his face. "Well I'm glad. I'm well rested too, so seems like we're both good." I nodded, agreeing. "Would you like for me to make coffee?" I asked him, walking into the kitchen towards the coffee maker. "Could you please?" Louis said and I nodded, getting the coffee then I began to make it. "I'll be ready in about 2 minutes." I told him as I watched him sit at the kitchen island. "Perfect." --

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