Chapter 49.

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When I had awaken, it was around 10 am. I'm surprised I had stayed asleep for so long. I looked beside me and I saw Louis was still asleep. I smiled as I leaned over and I pressed a soft kiss to his temple then I snuck out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen and I switched on the light. I looked through the cabinets, looking for my tea. When I finally found the box, I noticed it was on the top shelf. "Ugh, Louis." I mumbled to myself. He knows I can't reach anything on the top shelf, so I think he does it on purpose. I held onto the cabinet shelf as I pulled myself up onto the counter. I then settled myself on my knees as I reached for the box of tea bags. Once the box was in my grip, I put it beside me on the counter then I slowly got off the counter, not wanting to fall backwards. After I was on the ground, I walked over to the cabinet that had all our glasses. I opened it and grabbed my favorite mug. I turned on the sink, filled my mug with water then turned it off. I then put my mug into the microwave and I heated up the water then once the water was quite hot, I put the tea bag in and added some sugar. I stirred it with a spoon as I walked over to the living room where I sat on the couch. I took a small sip, seeing how the tea was quite hot then I had placed it on the table in front of me. I looked around the living room, searching for the tv remote. Once I found it, I turned on the tv. It was a commercial about Christmas coming up. Well shit. You know what that means? Louis' birthday is coming up! What an exciting day. I wonder what I should get him.. Or what we should even do. I'm not sure yet, but I'm definitely going to start looking for nice places to go to dinner.


The clock now read 12:05 pm and Louis had finally woken up. I knew this because I heard doors close upstairs, telling me he's in the bathroom, then I would hear shuffling and groaning as he stretched when he reached the bottom stair. "Well hi sleeping beauty." I called out, earning a soft chuckle from Louis. The shuffling of his feet moved closer behind me then I felt his soft hands on my jaw, tilting my head back to look up at him. "Hi handsome." He told me before placing his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss, then slowly pulled away, looking at my laptop. "So, a very important day is coming up." I told him as he walked around the couch and sat beside me. "And so there is." I put my laptop on the table, showing him the restaurant La Chapelle on the screen, "I was thinking we could go here for a nice dinner with the family." His eyes went from the tv to my laptop screen. "That'd be perfect, love. Have you contacted everyone yet?" He asked me and I shook my head, "Nope. I was waiting for you to wake up so I could show you it first then I would call everyone." I spoke as I grabbed my laptop to book a reservation. "Oh, alright. Well it sounds good with me." He said and I smiled as I finished booking the reservation. Once I had that done, I shut down my laptop then put it back on the table. As I was leaned over, doing that, I felt Louis' hand slide against my lower back then felt his hand hook onto my hip. I sat up straight and he began to pull me over to him. I helped by scooting myself to him then when I was to him, I rested my head against his chest as he kept his hand on my hip. "You're so old now." I said. Louis pinched my side and I hit his chest in protest, "Aye! I was joking, you jerk." I said and he just laughed, "I know, babe. I just felt like pinching you." He said as I glared, beginning to pout. "You're mean." When I noticed Louis began to lean in to probably kiss my pout, I turned my head just in time, "Nope." He let out a huff, turning away. I smiled to myself, now putting my focus on the tv in front of us. Yeah, this is our love, and I love it. 

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