Chapter 18.

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It's now Monday night, there wasn't any school, so I spent the whole day with Harry. We were getting ready to go out to dinner. Once we were in the car, I started to drive to this amazing Chinese restaurant. I parked my car, turning it off then I got out, waiting for Harry and I held the door open for him as we walked inside. "Welcome, how many?" The lady asked. "Two." I said, watching her nod, "Right this way." Harry and I followed her to our table. I pulled out Harry's chair and pushed it in once he took a seat, "I'll be right back. I'm going to use the restroom." I said, getting a nod from Harry. I headed to the bathroom, stopping the lady who seated us. "Excuse me, miss?" I asked and she looked at me, "Hi, yes, how can I help you?" I smiled a bit, "I called in about a special making of your fortune cookies. Louis Tomlinson to be exact." She smiled, nodding, "Ah, yes, Mr. Tomlinson. We have them ready, so when your meal comes out, they'll be there." She said and I nodded, "Thank you so much." I said then went into the bathroom, doing my thing then I finished and washed my hands, heading back out to the table, taking a seat. "Alright, see anything you like?" I asked Harry, who was so focused on the menu. "It's hard to pick. What're you going to have?" He asked. "Probably the orange chicken. I hear it's really good here." I said, "Okay, I'll get that and see if it's actually good." Harry said, making me laugh a bit, "Alright." I got attention from a waitress and she walked over, smiling, "Ready to order?" She asked and I nodded, "We'd like two of the orange chicken." I said as she wrote it down, nodding, "And to drink?" She asked. "Uh, two waters." I said, as she nodded. "Alright, it'll be out shortly." She said, taking our menus then walked away to place in our order. We waited a good 10 minutes and then our food showed up. I thanked the waitress then began to eat, looking at Harry as he took a bite. "Good?" I asked. Harry finished chewing and nodded, "Very." I smiled and went back to eating. We eventually finished our food and I paid for the bill then I handed Harry a fortune cookie. "Thank you." He said and took it out of the wrapper, "Wanna go first?" He asked me and I nodded, opening it and I cracked it open, "Hmm, all things are difficult before they are easy." I read, "Nice. Now you." I said, putting mine aside. I watched as Harry cracked his open and began to read, "Will you be my boyfr-.." He stopped and looked at me, smiling, "That's cute." I smiled as well, "So will you?" I asked and he nodded, leaning over the table, placing a kiss on my cheek. I returned a kiss on his cheek, then stood up. Harry got up as well then we both headed out to my car, getting in. I started the car, turning on the heat. As I started to drive, I placed my hand on Harry's knee, feeling him place his hand on mine. Now this boy is all mine, and I couldn't be happier.

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