Chapter 22.

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It is now February, 1st. Harry's 17th birthday. Also almost a year of us dating. Over the weekend, I decided to buy Harry a birthday gift he'll never forget. A trip to Paris. I heard my front door close, so I hid the tickets, walking downstairs and I saw Harry standing there. I smiled and ran to him, picking him up. He squealed, holding onto me and then giggled, "Happy birthday!" I said, looking at him. He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Thank you very much." He said as I placed him on the ground. "So, I got you a little something." I said, watching Harry look confused, "I thought we said no gifts?" He said and I chuckled, "Too bad." I then went back upstairs and I got the envelop that had the Paris tickets and I walked back down to him, "Here you go, love." I said, as he took the envelop. He slowly opened it and pulled out the tickets, quickly looking up at me. "Are you serious?! We're going to Paris!" He nearly yelled, jumping up and attached himself to me and I laughed, holding him up, "Yes, babe. We're really going to Paris." He hid his face in my neck, smiling against it, "You're the best." I kissed his temple, then put him down, "Go pack. We leave in an hour." I said as I watched as he ran upstairs. You're probably wondering why Harry's things are at my house. Well, seeing how we've almost been dating for a year, we decided to move in together. I followed Harry upstairs and into my room, leaning against the doorway and I watched him pack. "Make sure you don't forget anything." I said, watching him nod. After he finished packing, I grabbed both bags, taking them downstairs, and placed them by the front door. When the time came, I called us a taxi who took us to the airport. I smiled seeing Harry so excited on the way there. As we pulled up to the airport, I paid the taxi driver and headed inside with Harry, going to check in. We then went through security and finally made it to our gate where we waited to board. "I'm going to get a Sprite. Want anything? Harry asked me and I nodded, "Yeah, uh, a Coke please. He nodded and walked away, looking for someplace to go. After about 10 minutes, he returned, handing me my Coke. "Thank you, love." I said and he nodded, sitting down. "Flight to Paris is boarding in 5 minutes." I heard the announcement say. When 5 minutes passed, they began to call up people to board. "We'll begin with First Class passengers." The announcement said and Harry and I stood up, walking up. We got out tickets scanned and then we walked down the isle and into the plane, getting in our seats. I sat beside Harry, buckling up as he did the same. "Here we go to Paris." I said and Harry smiled, putting his hand on mine, "I'm so excited." I smiled as well and I kissed his head. After everyone was boarded, the plane backed out and got ready to take off. I intertwined my fingers with Harry's as the plane took off. Paris, here we come.

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