Chapter 35.

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Well, we finished watching The Notebook and Louis told me something I'll never forget. From being best friends to a couple, I can see how much Louis cares for me. We should all have that one best friend who will be by your side 20 years later, and stay there till the day you die. I hope that 20 years from now, Louis and I are still talking, maybe even still together, but married. I'm not the kind of person who rushes the other into marriage. Louis and I have been dating for 3 years now, so I'm not going to rush him into proposing anytime soon. We're fine right now and that's all that matters to me. I hope that in the future, good things do happen. And that's where I end that conversation. I sit myself up, back against the headboard and I stretch my arms up. "What should we watch next?" I asked Louis as he placed his head in my lap, "Not sure. I'm stuck between a comedy or a horror movie." He says and I shake my head, "No horror movies. We'll look at the comedies." I say and he laughed in response, "Chicken." I glared and pinched under his arm. "Ow, that hurts you know. Especially right there." He complains and I smile, "Good." He crossed his arms and I giggle. I picked up the remote and looked through the comedies. "Hmm. We have Vacation, 50 Shades of Black, Train Wreck and Ted 2." I said and Louis made a humming noise. "How about Ted 2. The first was good, so let's watch that then 50 Shades of Black." He said and I nodded, turning on Ted 2 then I tossed the remote and started to run my fingers through his hair. I notice he smiled at the feeling, so I smiled as well. I think having someone play with your hair is the best feeling in the entire world. When the movie began, I slowly stopped running my fingers through his hair seeing how I was now distracted by the film. Louis groaned and put his hand on mine and started to move my hand so my fingers would go through. I giggled and I did my best to watch and continue to run my fingers through his hair at the same time. About 30 minutes into the movie, we're both laughing. This is definitely better than the first movie. I mean it's probably dirtier, but who cares. I wouldn't recommend it to young children, but anyone over the age 17 is probably good to see it. I think the best part to me is when they try to get Tom Brady's you know and the cops have a code for that. I got up about half way through the movie so I could use the bathroom. I could hear Louis groan from where I was and I just laughed to myself. When I finished, I washed my hands and dried them off before walking back out and I crawled onto the bed. I didn't get back in my previous position. I instead laid in between Louis' legs, my back against the bed and my head on his chest/waist. He then started to mess around with my hair then he would run his fingers through. "Returning the favor I see." I said, smiling. "I know you love it." He says and I nod, "I do. A lot, so thank you." He let out a soft chuckle. Soon came the ending of the movie, so we turned it off. I glanced at the time and it was already the late afternoon. "Wanna order Chinese and watch our final movie?" I asked and Louis nodded, sitting up and I got my phone, pulling up the number. "Here, you order." I say, handing Louis my phone and he took it, "Do you want the usual?" He asked and I nodded. He nodded in response then spoke, "Hello. I'd like to make a delivery. Can I get two things of your orange chicken, chow mien and chicken egg rolls." He said and I got my credit card ready for when they brought it to the house. "Thank you so much." Louis said then hung up and locked my phone, "It'll be about 10-15 minutes." He told me and I nodded, heading downstairs and I heard Louis following me. We then sat on the couch and awaited for our food to show up. 

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