Chapter 10.

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I stayed sitting for a couple of more minutes, thinking about how this situation might end up. I then got up, heading out to my car and I started it, heading to Harry's place. All I need to do is listen to everything Harry has to say, understand it all, and help him, but what happens if it backfires? What if I lose my best friend and he loses me as well.. No, Louis. You can't let that happen. Not today. I snapped out of my negative thinking and I parked my car in Harry's driveway, slowly stepping out. I took in a deep breath as I walked up to his door, knocking. "It's open." I heard Harry say from the inside, so I opened the door and walked inside the house, closing the door behind me. I turned my body so I could face Harry who was sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and staring at the black screened television. Okay, here it goes. "Ready to talk?" I asked him and he just nodded for a quick second, never making eye contact with me. I walked over, sitting on the other couch and I placed my keys and phone on the table in front of us. I awkwardly cleared my throat, making Harry very slowly look over at me. His eyes were red and puffy. It makes me really upset to see Harry looking his way. I always hated seeing him cry. "Harry.. I am really flattered that you like me. Especially for the amount of time you have. It's just a complete shock to me. I mean, it's not a huge one because I did every once in a while pick up on how you'd act around me, but I never picked up strong enough to guess that you were like that because you like me.  There's nothing to be ashamed of, so please don't hate yourself for this. It's normal for people to develop crus-.." I got cut off by Harry talking, "It's not normal for a boy to develop a crush on his boy best friend, Louis." I sighed, "What makes you think that, Harry?" I asked, looking at him, "Look around Louis. Do you see anyone else liking their crush of the same sex? Do you see any same sex couples at school, or around where we live?" He said, shuffling around in the blanket to get more comfortable. "No, I don't, but that doesn't mean that it's wrong to be different. It's not wrong to have a crush on me even though you're also a boy, Harry. It's not wrong. Please see that, okay?" I said, scooting over a bit closer to him. He stared down at the floor, making me frown. "Harry, please." I said, trying to get him to look at me, but he didn't budge. "You won't like me back, Louis." He said, now looking at me. Eyes glossed up at this point, "And I'm sorry for everything that I've done to cause this.." He added. I shook my head, "There's nothing to be sorry for, Harry. Please understand that. This whole situation between us is totally okay. I'm not disgusted in any way. I swear to you." I said as he wiped away a fallen tear. "There's such a difference between us." He said, catching my attention. "I don't want to keep hurting. I'm trying to stop the pain, but I fail each time. I want it all to be gone. I want my feelings to go away, but they won't because every time I see you.." He stopped and looked at me, "They grow stronger and the more pain I get. I can't take it anymore, Louis." He finished as more tears began to fall. At this time, I just pulled him close into my embrace as he cried once more. What have I done..

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