Chapter 25.

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(Warning: Smut!)

Well, here I am, completely naked with my best friend between my legs. I'm not really thinking of him being my best friend anymore so things don't get awkward. I feel his hands slide up my thighs and I watch them like a hawk. When I feel one hand brush against my semi-hard member, I suck in a deep breath, closing my eyes. I could hear him chuckle under his breath, "Getting worked up, are ya?" He asked, obviously teasing. I didn't answer verbally. I just nodded, holding his wrist. I then felt that same hand start to slightly grip around my member, slowly working his hand up and down, in a decent pace. My breath was hitching at first, but then went steady. I bit my lip, pushing my hips up to meet his hand movements. While Louis continued to stroke, he leaned down, connecting our lips, going straight for a heated kiss. I used both of my hands to cup his neck, deepening the kiss while adding a small, soft moan. He broke the kiss and removed his hand. I groaned a bit, dropping my hips. I watched as he walked over to his suitcase and he unzipped a small side pocket, pulling out a condom and a small bottle of lube. "Looks like someone already had this planned." I teased, earning a chuckle from Louis. "Maybe I did. You had to of had this coming. I mean birthday sex is the best." He said, walking back over and he opened the lube bottle. I watched as he poured a little on three of his fingers. He then closed the cap and tossed it onto the bed and got on his knees, settling himself between my bent knees. "This'll feel weird at first, but you'll get used to it." He told me, moving his hand down near my arse. I slowly nodded, tipping my head back. He then slowly pushed in one finger till the knuckle. My breath hitched once more and I closed my eyes. Louis rubbed my inner thigh to relax me as he pushed in a second finger. Once the second finger was in, I was beginning to get used to the stretch, so I pushed myself down onto his two fingers. He took this as I was now okay, so he started to move his fingers in and out, then curling them. Lastly came in the third finger and he pumped and curled them, looking for that special spot. (his prostate.) Once he hit it, I gasped, gripping his free wrist. He smirked, "Found it." I whimpered, "I'm ready, Louis. Please.." He nodded, removing his fingers and wiped the remaining lube on his fingers onto the bed sheet. He reached over, grabbing the foil package and ripped it open. He got rid of his boxers then slid the condom onto his member. He held my hip with one hand, then griped his base to guide himself into me. "If it's too much, tell me and I'll stop, okay?" He asked and I nodded. He slowly started to push himself in and I closed my eyes, sucking in a deep breath. Once the head was in, I released my breath and began to relax myself, feeling Louis rubbing my hipbone with his thumb. When he was completely in, he didn't move until I was okay. I looked up at him, nodding, "You can move." He nodded and slowly pulled out till the tip then pushed back in, starting to slowly thrust. By this time, he had a grip on both of my hips, and he picked up the speed on the thrusting. The faster the speed got, the more I moaned. The room filled with moans, deep grunts, pants and the sound of slapping skin. I let out little 'uh uh uh's,' with my head tipped back while Louis had his lips attached to my neck. One hand left my hip and the next thing I know, I'm feeling a sharp slap on my arse then a grip. "Uh, fuck." I moaned out, also gasping. Louis grunted against my neck, and did a few hard, deep thrusts. When the last thrust happened, he had hit that special spot, my back arched off the bed and I gripped the sheets underneath me, "Uh, Louis!" I'm pretty sure that the people next to us can hear how loud I am, plus the headboard hitting the wall. Sorry, not sorry. After that thrust, Louis never left that place. He pounded the shit out of my prostate, making me moan his name louder, arch my back as much as it could and by this time I'm sure my nails are dug deep enough in Louis' back that'll it'll bleed and scar. With one more rough thrust, I was coming undone, covering my stomach and some spots on Louis'. Louis then grunted and moaned with me, hitting his climax. His thrusts became sloppy, riding out our highs and then completely stopped. He slowly pulled out, taking the condom off and he threw it away. "I'll be right back, love." He whispered to me then got up, slipping boxers on and headed to the bathroom then returned back with a wet cloth. He wiped off his stomach and then mine, before tossing the cloth. I pulled him into the bed after I put on my own boxers and I cuddled into him. I felt him put his arm around me, rubbing my lower back. I slowly closed my eyes, saying, "That was amazing." He kissed my head, "It sure was. Now get some sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow." He said and I sort of nodded, whispering, "I love you." "I love you too, babe." I heard Louis say before I fell asleep.

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