Chapter 40.

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"Okay. I'll be home later." Harry said then the line went dead. I nodded to myself then got up and went into the bathroom. Ever since Harry left, I got back on my pills that help me control my issues. I opened the medicine cabinet and took two of the pills as instructed to do so. About 30 minutes later, I heard the front door open and then close. I got off the bed and headed towards the stairs, slowly walking down them. As I got to the last step, I saw Harry standing in the living room then he turned once he heard me step onto the hard floor. We looked at each other for a good minute or so. I took a couple steps towards him. He took a step back and I stopped moving. He's really afraid of me, and it's all my fault.. "I'm going to be sleeping in the guest bedroom for a while. I need to believe that you won't hit me again, and that means you need to gain my trust. Until then, please don't touch or come near me." He said and I nodded, taking it in. When he turned his head, I saw the mark I had left. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces inside my chest. He walked past me and headed up to the guest bedroom. I shook my head and I sat on the stairs. I'm a complete asshole for hitting him. I lost his trust, and it'll be hard getting it back. I'm just afraid I'll lose him for good, and I can't let that happen. I just can't. He's my other half, and without my other half, I'm not whole anymore.


Around 7:30, Harry has yet to come out of the room. I had made dinner, so I walked up and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling in the room and then the door opened, "What." He said to me and I looked down at him, "If you're hungry, dinner is in the kitchen." I said to him and he nodded, "Thank you." I nodded then walked downstairs. I heard the same shuffling of Harry's feet following behind me. I went into the living room while Harry went into the kitchen and got himself some food. He must've stopped eating for the time we've been away from each other because he took a decent amount of food. Knowing that Harry possibly starved himself makes me hate myself more than I already do. He thanked me once more then headed upstairs and closed the door. I can't live like this anymore. I need my Harry back in my arms. The time was now 8:45 and Harry hasn't come out. Maybe he's asleep. I got up, turning the tv off and I headed upstairs. Once I got to the guest bedroom, I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. Harry was laying there, fast asleep. I walked into the room and I removed the plate from beside him and I placed it on the nightstand. I placed his phone there too then I pulled the blankets over him. I leaned over, placing a soft kiss on his forehead then took the plate and left the room, closing the door behind me. I went to the kitchen and washed every dish I had used to cook and the plates Harry and I used to eat with. I don't see why I should stay up any longer, so I shut every light off and headed to my room. I pulled off my shirt and got into my pajama pants then got in bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Until then, all I can do is hate myself for what I have done. 

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