Chapter 5.

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Lunch with Louis was really nice. Tonight will be nice as well as long as I don't fuck it up by making obvious actions towards him. We headed back to school, with only one final class left and then I can go home with Louis, hang out for a bit then go to the movies. God I can't wait! We've still got to decide what movie to see though. Obviously not a romantic one.. That'll be awkward. Well not to me at least. Ugh, here I go again. Harry, stop. "Harry!" Louis said a bit louder than before since I didn't hear at all. I blinked and looked at him, "Huh?" He raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay?" I nodded in response, "Yeah, sorry. I was just trying to think of what kind of movie we should go see tonight." He also nodded in response, "We'll look them up in class. I heard that we have a substitute today." I smiled and I walked into class with him, sitting in the back where our seats are. Louis pulled out his phone and started to look up movies, while I made sure the substitute wouldn't come by and take his phone. "Okay, so here's what is playing." Louis said, shortly adding in, "Paranormal Activity, The Visit, The Perfect Guy, The Gift and Jurassic World." I thought for a minute. Definitely not The Perfect Guy. Seems like a romantic movie. "I'm stuck between Paranormal Activity and The Visit." I say, looking at Louis. "Hmm, will both are supposed to be scary, so let's go with Paranormal Activity." He says and I nod, "Sounds good to me." I added a smile and so did Louis. He bought our tickets online then put his phone away. "Okay, so at 5:30, we go see it." He stated and I nodded once more. After about 10 minutes of non-stop lecturing from his substitute, I dozed off. When an hour has passed, I jolted awake to the sound of the school bell, indicating the end of school. I looked around and Louis gave a smile, "Hi sleeping beauty" I smiled and hid my face in my bicep, "Shh." He chuckled, getting up, "C'mon, time to head home" I get up, zipping up my bag and I walk out with him, heading to his car. I plopped in the passenger side, as Louis got in the drivers side and started the car, turning on the heat. He drove to his house and I watched the places we pass by on the way there. He pulled into his driveway, turning off his car and we both got out then I took his keys, running to the door, unlocking it and I run inside, hearing Louis laugh behind me. I threw myself on his couch, snuggling close to the pillows as Louis closed the door behind him. "Jeez, take up my whole couch why don't you" He said, making me laugh as I peeked at him, sticking my tongue out. He then walked over, sitting right on top of me, causing me to groan, hiding my face into the pillow. "Don't fall asleep on me, or I'm seeing the movie without you" He said and I wiggled around, putting my head up, "I'll sleep if I'd like. Just throw me in the car and drive then wake me up when we get there, Tommo." "No." He protested, causing me to slightly giggle. "I won't fall asleep." I added after my giggle.

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