Chapter 24.

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(Warning: Smut!)

Yes, there's a reason I got the roses and champagne, and I'm sure you all know. I just want to make sure it's okay with Harry. After everything was put away, Harry had his back towards me, so I slowly walked up behind him, sliding my hands to his hips, holding them. He pushed back into my embrace, and since he's smaller than me, his arse was pressed against my groin. He slowly slid his hands up, holding my wrists and leaned his head back on my shoulder and looked up at me. I looked down at him, leaning my head down to connect our lips. The kiss started out slow and passionate, but shortly started to heat up. I let go of his hips as he released my wrists, breaking the kiss, I turned him around and reconnected our lips and I pulled his hips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my neck, gripping the hair on the back of my neck and I deepened the kiss, feeling how he kisses back deeply, parting his lips. I run my tongue along his bottom lip, before slipping it into his mouth, French kissing him. After a few minutes of heated kissing, he slowly pulled away, keeping our lips touching, "Louis.." He whispered and I looked down at him, "Yeah? Everything okay?" I asked and he nodded, running his hands down my chest, "I want to do this." I smiled a bit, "You do?" He nodded in response, so I nodded as well, but before we could continue, I moved the roses and champagne from the bed and placed on the nightstand. As I walked back to Harry, he looked up at me, holding the bottom of my shirt and started to pull it up. I removed it, tossing it somewhere in the room then I watched him as he unbuckled my belt and then my pants. He got down on his knees as he pulled down my pants and I stepped out of them then he tossed them and stood back up, leaving me in my boxers. I did the same thing as he did to me, first removing his shirt then his jeans, tossing them and I also left him in his boxers. Fucking shit his are tight around him. Makes everything look very.. very nice. I then placed my hands on the back of his thighs, picking him up as he wrapped his legs around my waist and he tangled his fingers in my hair, kissing me as I kissed back, walking us over to the bed. I held him up with one hand while I used the other to put on the bed so I could lay Harry back on his back without falling off the bed. Once his back was against the comforter, I moved the kissing down to his jawline, neck and chest. I left a few hickey's down the middle of his chest, leading to his waistline (or v-line) and then I blew on them, watching him shiver. I smirked at the sight of it. I grabbed the hem of his boxers, slowly starting to pull them down and as I did that, he propped his hips up to make it easier for me. Once his boxers were completely off, I tossed them, and I admired his now naked body from head to toe. I pushed his legs open a bit more, leaning down and I kissed up his inner thighs, leaving hickey's there as well. I want to mark up my boy so people know he's mine, and only mine. I felt him tangle his fingers in my hair once more as I kissed his other inner thigh, leaving more hickey's. I then peeked up at him. He's already starting to look wrecked, and man, I have to admit, it's fucking hot. Eyes glossed, lips red and swollen from biting so much and cheeks are flushed. I decided it was time to start teasing.

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