Chapter 11.

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This is everyone's worst nightmare, or at least it's mine.. I cried for the longest time in Louis' chest. I just couldn't stop. It hurts so much to sit here and try to be convinced that everything is okay. Nothing is okay. This tears me apart and Louis has no idea. He won't know how it is because he's not in my shoes.. he never will be.. I then felt him start to rub my back, probably hoping it'd calm me down a bit, which it did. Louis then spoke, "I'm sorry, Harry. It wasn't supposed to end up this bad. My intension wasn't to get you crying. I just wanted to fix things.." I shook my head, leaning out of his embrace and I wiped my face then looked at him, "It's okay. I needed to release all of that." He pushed my hair out of my face, looking at me. I met with his eyes, just looking at him as he looked at me. I then turned my head, looking down at my lap, "But I'll never get over it." I said, closing my eyes. "My feelings for you won't go away at this point. They're too strong to just disappear and I can't stop it.." I added, looking up at him. "Then don't." He said, shocking me, so I looked at him. "Why shouldn't I? You'll never develop feelings for me. I already know it, Louis." I said and he shook his head, "Harry, stop and listen, okay? It takes time to take in everything. It takes time to stop something. Right now, you need to relax and let those feelings start to fade. I know that sounds bad, but it'll happen. There's someone better than me out there just waiting for you, and once those feelings for me are faded away, that person will be yours, but you'll also be mine. You'll always be mine no matter what were to happen. Okay?" He asked and I slowly nodded, "But what if they don't fade?" I asked, getting a shrug from him. "I'm not sure, Haz. I'm just not sure." I nodded, looking down at my lap once more, lip beginning to quiver. I played with my fingers as Louis stood up, rubbing his face. When he walked away, I watched him, whispering to myself, "I love you.." I waited for a response back, but there was never one. There's nothing that'll ever happen for me to get an 'I love you too' from him. Nothing. Why did I ever fall

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