Chapter 8.

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It's been about a month or so now. I haven't been seeing Harry much around school, but when I do, he doesn't stay around long. He isn't here today at school. I guess he's sick? That's what he told me on the phone. I walked to my locker, putting in my combination and I opened it. "Dude, Louis!" I heard Tyler yell as he ran to me. I turned and looked at him once he got to me, "What?" He was out of breath, so until he got his breathing together, I just looked at him. "Okay, so this is about Harry. I heard from someone who's close to him that he has a huge fucking crush on you dude. No lie." He says and I just chuckle a bit, "That's absurd. He's like my best friend. I doubt he'd have a crush on me." Tyler just shook his head, "No, Louis. He has a crush on you. He has for quite sometime, but hides it from you. Think about it." He says and that's when I stopped with the chuckling and got serious. "Oh my god." is all I could get out at the moment. If I do think about it, Harry hasn't been around me a lot. At times, he'd be close to me. His actions. Oh dear god, it's true. Okay, Louis, don't be a dick about this. That's the one thing you don't want to be. "Okay, okay. Thank you, Tyler." I said, watching Tyler nod, "Good luck with it." He added then walked away. I took out my phone, going through my contacts until I found 'Hazza' and I pressed the call button, walking outside to the quad. After 4 rings, he picked up with a, "Hello?" I took a seat on a bench, taking in a deep breath, "Harry, we really need to talk, okay?" I swear I could hear Harry's breath hitch then freeze. "A-about what..?" He stuttered, and that's when I knew he figured out that I knew.

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