Chapter 43.

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  When the movie was over, I left with Louis. When we got outside, it was raining. We both ended up running to the car, seeing how neither of us had a umbrella or coat. Once Louis unlocked the doors, we got in the car and I turned on the heater when the car was running. Louis drove us home and once the car was in the garage, I went inside the house and straight to the guest room. I know I basically gave in to Louis, but I'm not fully ready to start sleeping in the same bedroom, or anything. I closed the door behind me and I stripped out of my wet clothing, tossing them into my dirty clothes hamper. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and tank top. I put them on then I opened the door, seeing Louis standing there with his hand up, like he was about to knock. As a reflex and still scared of what happened, I flinched a bit, stepping back and Louis immediately put his hand down. "Sorry, that's not what I was trying to do.. I was just going to knock to see if you're okay because you ran inside so quick and I thought I did something wron-" He was cut off when I spoke, "You didn't do anything wrong, and sorry. I didn't know I ran in so quick. I was just wanting to get out of the wet clothes, and sorry for flinching.. it'll be like that for a while." He just slowly nodded, "Okay, well, yeah. Sorry." He told me once more then headed to his room. When he was also in dry clothes, we laid on the couch, on opposite ends of course and we watched some t.v. After an hour or so, I began to get sleepy, so I stood up, "I'm heading to bed. Night." I said and I felt Louis grab my hand before I could walk away, "Will you sleep with me tonight, please?" He asked and I slowly pulled my hand out of his grip, "No, Louis. I can't just yet, I'm sorry, but hopefully you understand." I said and I walked upstairs to my guest room. I closed the door behind me and I locked it just because, well, I don't know really. I turned off the light then I got into the bed, laying on my back and I stared at the pitch black ceiling. I heard another door close, so I'm guessing Louis also headed to bed. He's probably too upset to stay awake seeing how I told him I'm not ready to sleep with him again, but to be honest, I hate sleeping alone. I hate not being able to feel his arms wrapped around me at night, keeping me close and safe. I hate waking up to an empty bedside, but I'm just not ready to jump back into sleeping with Louis after what happened. I'm not sure how long it'll be until I am, but I really hope he understands. He probably hates me because of this, but all well. It'll change in a little. I hope. I eventually fell asleep after getting lost into my thoughts.  

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