Chapter 45.

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You may think I'm overdramatic when I say this, but it's been about a week that I've avoided Louis. He just doesn't get it, so why should I even talk to him? It's Saturday morning, 10:30 to be exact. I got out of bed, stretched my arms up then I walked over to the door, opening it. I don't hear anything, which is odd because every time I wake up, I always hear the t.v. on downstairs. I walked down the hallway and I saw Louis' bedroom door open, but he wasn't in there. I went downstairs and looked around. No sign of him. "Louis?" I called out, getting no response. I sighed, walking out to the garage. I opened the door and saw that Louis' car was gone. Okay, so he did leave. Thanks for a note or whatever. I closed the door then walked into the kitchen and I opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle. I opened it as I sat on the couch and I turned on the t.v. while taking a sip of my water.


I guess I fell asleep while watching t.v. because it's now 2:30 in the afternoon. I slowly sat up on the couch, looking around. I rubbed my face then I reached over, turning off the t.v. and I stood up. I went to go check in the garage and I saw Louis' car now there and Louis stepping out of it. "Where have you been?" I asked him and he looked at me, "Out." He said and got a couple bags out of the backseat. I just nodded then walked back inside, allowing the door to slam behind me. Seconds later, it slammed again once Louis was inside. I sat back down on the couch while Louis put away the items he got when he was out which was mainly food. When he finished, he sat on the other couch and it was dead silence. I know it's mainly my fault because I kept my distance for so long, but there was a reason for that. I stayed distant for so long because I thought Louis would come through and tell me that he understood why I didn't want to sleep with him, but I guess he'll never understand. The silence was then broken when Louis spoke, "I'm sorry for asking you so many times to sleep with me again when you aren't ready. I didn't mean to argue about it" He told me and I looked his way, "Do you even understand why I don't want to? That's all I really want to know." I said and he nodded, "Yes, Harry. You're afraid I'm going to fuck up again and that you'll lose my trust for good." I looked away, "Nice to see you've finally understood it after a whole damn week." He just laughed a bit, "I'm not going to argue with you, Harry. Just be happy I understand now and I'm giving up on asking you to sleep with your boyfriend again." He told me and I looked his way once more. "Sorry." I said, softly. He sighed and got up, sitting beside me. I didn't move, so when Louis noticed I wasn't going to, he put his arm around me and I leaned into his embrace. He kissed my head and left it at that. I slowly looked up at him, my eyes examining his face until they landed on his lips. I truly miss the feeling of mine on his, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that either. I'm not sure I'm ready for anything anymore. And if I'm not ready for anything anymore, why continue with this relationship? It's a tough question to ask myself, and it'll definitely be tough to ask Louis why we're wasting time, or why he is just wasting his time on someone like me who won't even fully trust his boyfriend. I just don't know.  

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