Chapter 57.

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"So babe. Do you think that after we're married, we should move into a bigger house?" I asked and Louis looked confused. "Why bigger? This is perfect for the two of us." He said and I smiled a bit, "Well.. I was going to wait till after we were married to ask, but how do you feel about kids?" I asked, biting my lip, nervous of what he'd say. His confused expression turned into a shocked expression. "Well, to be honest. I love kids. I've always wanted to have them." He said with a smile. "Wait, really?" I asked. He nodded and I smiled as wide as I could. "Thank god. I thought you'd say you hated them or I was moving too fast or something." He chuckled, "Stop talking. I would never think you were moving too fast, nor would I hate kids. They're adorable." Since he was still hovering over me, I lightly ran my fingertips along his collarbones. "So would you like to adopt after the wedding? Like of course we'll wait a little, but would you?" I asked and he nodded, "I would love to, babe." I smiled, seeing him smile too. "We're going to be a family. God I can't wait!" I said, getting so excited. Louis laughed, pecking my lips then stood up. "Let's go look at houses, shall we? Find some online then we'll contact the people and see if we are allowed to see them today after I get out of the shower." I nodded, getting up quickly and I reached for my laptop, putting it on my lap while Louis went up to the bathroom. I opened Google then searched for luxury homes in London, England. I looked through them all, seeing the prices, rooms, neighborhoods and so on. Seeing how we're planning to adopt, we have to live near a school so when the time comes, we can just walk our kids to school. That's when I found the perfect one. The sizing was perfect. It had brick walls. It was gated. Had an amazing pool and yard, front and back. I wrote down the address and phone number. I then grabbed the house phone and I dialed the number. It rang about 4 times then a lady picked up. "Hello, this is Ana, how can I help you?" "Hi. My name is Harry Styles and I'm calling in regards to the house you're selling. I was wondering if my fiancé and I could come by and check it out?" I asked. "Oh yes of course! Are you available to come by today about 2?" She asked and I checked the time. "Definitely. Shall I call when we're on our way?" "That'd be lovely. Thank you for calling, Harry. Talk to you then" She said and I smiled, "Talk to you later." I hung up then stood up, walking upstairs and into the bathroom Louis was showering in. "So I found a place and I contacted the owner. We can go over to see the house at 2, so hurry up and get ready. It's an hour away." I said, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and I brushed my teeth. "Okay, I'm almost done." Louis called out. By the time I was done brushing my teeth, the water turned off and Louis stepped out, grabbing a towel and he wrapped it around his waist. I watched him in the mirror then I headed to our bedroom as he followed behind. We both got dressed into decent clothing then Louis walked back to the bathroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth.


I called Ana and told her we were on the way and the drive was only about 10-15 minutes away and we pulled up to the house. It was better in person. Louis and I got out of the car and walked over to Ana who greeted us. "You must be Harry. So lovely meeting you." She said, shaking my hand and I smiled, shaking hers. "And this is my fiancé, Louis." I said and she smiled, shaking his hand as well. "Ready to see the house?" She asked and we nodded. She took us inside and wow. "We just had new floors put in, so the kitchen is tile, bathrooms are tile and the bedrooms are carpet. The walls have just been repainted. They're all a natural nude color. You're free to paint them any color you'd like if you're interested in the place." She said as she walked us through the living room area. "The backyard is in good shape. If you get the place, there will actually be a gardener here for you to straighten anything up. The pool is excellent. It's heated and the spa is excellent as well." Ooh, a spa. "And what does upstairs look like?" Louis asked. "Go ahead and take a look." She said, so Louis and I made our way up. "There's four bedrooms. You have your master bedroom, two regular bedrooms and a room for either an office or anything else you'd like." She said as I walked through the master bedroom. "Every room comes with a walk in closet. The master has a big bathroom while the other two don't, but the bathroom is right across the hall." Louis came into the master bedroom and looked at me. "So? How do you like it?" He asked and I looked at him. "I absolutely love it." He smiled then walked to Ana. "We'll take it." She smiled, "Great! I'll just need you to fill out some paperwork then I'll get that in and when it comes back, this place is yours. It'll only take a day or two, so you two will be able to move in by this weekend." She said and I stood by Louis and smiled. "Thank you so much for showing us. I can't wait to get in here." I said and she smiled. "I'm happy you picked this place. It's amazing. Oh! I almost forgot. The neighborhood is very lovely, and there's a school right down the block if you have children." She said with a smile. "Perfect place." Louis said. "I did good. I know." I said and Louis chuckled.

Hello new home.

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