Chapter 48.

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I smiled at the boy in my arms. I couldn't be happier right now, to be honest. "Don't fall asleep on me. We gotta get washed up first then we'll go to bed, okay?" I whispered to him and I got a small hum and nod in response. Harry then put his head up and I began to wash his hair, rinsing out the shampoo then I washed his back since I already got his front. When he was cleaned, I washed myself then I drained the water and got us both out and wrapped in towels. I walked back into the room with Harry and got dressed in boxers and a simple t shirt. I watched as Harry put on boxers and crawled into bed. I smiled once more before turned off the bedroom light and I crawled in bed with him, pulling his body close to mine. "Goodnight, love." I said to him. "Goodnight, boo." He responded. I kissed his temple then went to sleep.


When I had awoke in the morning, I had decided to take Harry out into London for the entire day. He deserves it, and it's been a while since we've done something like that really. It was 9:45 in the morning, and I thought it was time that Harry also woke up. I turned on my side and looked at the sleeping boy. His hair was covering his peaceful face, his lips slightly parted as he breathed. I smiled to myself and I moved in and brushed his hair away from his face and I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, "Time to wake up, my love." I whispered earning a groan from Harry. "C'mon, we've got a long day ahead of us, and I want to start early." I told him. "Ugh, Louis. I just want to sleep." He whined and I chuckled. "Get up or I'll pull you out of this bed." I said, getting up and I walked over to the curtains, pulling them apart to let in the light. I then felt a pillow hit my back. I bent down, picked it up then threw it back at Harry. He let out another whine then sat up, his hair falling over his face. I chuckled a bit before walking over to the closet. "Now get up and get dressed and do all the other morning things you do." I told him as I looked at my clothes. It's supposed to be decent today, so I decided to pull out a pair of shorts and a tank top. I heard shuffling so I'm guessing Harry is finally out of bed. I turned a bit and yes, he was. I watched as he walked to the bathroom, then I proceeded to get dressed when he closed the bathroom door. After I was dressed, I walked over to the bathroom and I knocked before opening the door to see Harry brushing his teeth. I grabbed my toothbrush and stood beside him, brushing my teeth as well. Once we we're completely ready, we headed out of the house and got into the car. I started it then headed towards central London. It was about a 10 minute drive from where I lived. Not so bad. Once there, I parked my car somewhere then got out with Harry. I walked over to his side and once he was out, I held his hand and he intertwined our fingers, and we began to walk around the city. It was slightly cloudy, but the sun still shined through. This is typical England weather. We first started off by Big Ben. It's fascinating to see, but when you live in London, it's just a clock tower to you, but if you're a tourist, it's everything. If you keep walking, you'll eventually run into the famous London Eye. We got in front of it and we both looked up. "We should go on this at night some night." Harry told me and I nodded, "I like the sound of that idea." I said, smiling. After viewing the London Eye, we started to walk towards the stores. As we walked through, I looked around to see what was all down in this area. I never knew there was so much.


It was about 8:40 at night by the time we got home. To be honest, I'm exhausted. I know Harry is too because the second we walked into the house, he face planted the couch. I chuckled to myself as I walked over. I picked him up and headed upstairs to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, I put him down onto the bed and I handed him what he sleeps in. He took his clothes and stripped out of the ones he's wearing now, then put on his sleeping ones. I got dressed into my basketball shorts then I crawled into bed with him. "Thank you for today. I enjoyed it a lot." Harry whispered. I smiled and looked at him, "I'm happy you enjoyed. Now let's go to sleep. I'm so exhausted." Harry gave me a slight nod, then pressed a kiss to my cheek. I returned one on his forehead before turning the light off. We both soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep. 

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