Chapter 7.

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Oh god, the movie is starting. I'm going to regret this so much. I absolutely hate scary movies. I held the popcorn bag close to my chest just in case I were to jump, so instead of the popcorn flying everywhere, it stays in the bag. Or so I'd hope. About 15 minutes into the movie, I'm already scared to death, and only a few scary things have happened. The pop outs get me the most. Louis now had the popcorn, so I didn't have to worry about it flying everywhere, thank god. Once Louis had put the bag down, I fought with myself if I should slowly lean towards him, or stay back. I looked over at him, meeting his gaze. Fuck, he's been watching me. I gave a small smile, before jumping at the movie. Louis softly chuckled, then put his arm around my shoulders. I froze a bit, then I relaxed into his touch, slowly resting my head on his shoulder, watching the movie. Yet again, there's another pop out, causing me to jump. This is quite embarrassing, but hey, at least it's my best friend with me. Once the movie was over, I stood up after Louis removed his arm from my shoulders. "Okay, never again. Next time we're seeing like a comedy." I said, putting on the coat Louis had given me. "Yeah, probably." Louis teased, making me punch his arm and I walked away. "Aw no, Harry." Louis whined, following me. "Don't make fun of me. You know I hate scary movies." I said, crossing my arms, waiting for him to catch up. "Yes, I know, but it's fun to get you scared." He laughed and I just stared at him. "Okay, I'm sorry. Wanna walk around for a bit?" He asked and I nodded, "Sure, why not." We headed out and walked around parts of London. It's always beautiful at night. Everything is lit up. Can't wait till it starts to snow. We passed by the London Eye, Big Ben and ended up at a small park. I walked over to a swing, sitting down as Louis stood behind me, slowly starting to push me. After a couple more pushes, he took a seat beside me, swinging himself. "Do you just wanna stay over tonight?" Louis asked and I looked over at him, "Yeah. I'll need to go home and get my things." I responded, "Or you could borrow something of mine to sleep in." Louis suggested and I nodded, "Alright." I smiled at him once he turned away, but then as I looked away, my smile started to fade. I'm playing with my own feelings, and it's starting to hurt. Why can't I just face the fact that Louis will NEVER like me the way I like him..? This is harder than I thought it'd be.  

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