Chapter 27.

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Louis and I headed out the hotel and started to walk along the sidewalk. There wasn't much to see just yet, unless you want to admire buildings. It was a calming city, very beautiful. After a good 10 minute walk, we got to the good parts. There we tons of buildings, and I mean TONS. Many clothes stores, shoe stores. Everything you can imagine. We first went to the Canal Saint-Martin. We waited in line with others to get onto the small boat they took you in. When it arrived, Louis went in first, held his hand out for me and I smiled, taking it as I stepped into the boat and then we both took a seat. It wasn't a very fast boat trip, but it was beautiful. "So smooth and calm" I whispered to Louis, who nodded. "It's amazing." I rested my head on his shoulder as I looked at the things we passed. It's a good thing that this boat doesn't go very fast because I get motion sickness, and it's not fun at all. After the short little canal ride, we got off and headed to another place. "We'll go to the Eiffel Tower tonight, okay?" Louis asked me and I nodded, "Sounds good to me. It's prettier at night anyways." I added. As we walked through the city, Louis took pictures of things, pictures of me with attractions and even pictures of us. Time started to fly before we knew it and it was time to go see the most beautiful attraction in Paris. We walked to the Eiffel Tower, and I took Louis' hand in mine, lacing our fingers together and I felt Louis start to slightly swing them. I smiled and giggled to myself as I looked around as we got closer. There and behold, the Eiffel Tower. I looked up at it and smiled. It was absolutely beautiful. It's all lit up and just stunning. Louis removed his hand from mine and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned back into his embrace, holding his forearms as I looked around and then back up at the tower. I then felt Louis' chin on my shoulder, so I slightly turned my head, eyes meeting his and I smiled. "This is amazing. Thank you for making this happen." I said, receiving a smile from Louis, "Anything for you." I leaned in a bit, placing my lips on his and kissed him slowly and passionate. His lips moved perfectly with mine. I then slowly pulled away and turned my attention back to the tower. "Hold on. I want someone to take a picture of us." Louis said, looking for someone. Once someone volunteered, Louis came back to me and we both smiled for the picture. I noticed that the person taking our photo smiled as well. "Perfect photo. Here you guys go." The person had said, handing Louis the camera. "Thank you so much." Louis said, taking the camera then came back to me, looking at the photo. "This is a perfect photo." He said. I smiled, looking at it then I got on my toes, kissing his cheek. This is the best birthday present ever. Well second best if you know what I mean.

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