Chapter 42.

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It's now been about 4 days since Harry finally trusted me, or so I think he trusts me. Anyways, I decided that tonight I'd take him out to dinner and then to a movie. Hopefully it'll all be okay.


It is now 7:30 pm, and Harry and I are heading to dinner. We got into my car and I started the engine and headed to downtown London. I kept the radio low and I'd glance at Harry from time to time only to see him staring out the car window. Not once did he look my way, or look away from that window. After a good 10 minute drive, I pulled up to a restaurant called Pied a Terre. I hear they have good French food. I parked the car, turned off the engine and stepped out. I walked over to Harry's door and I opened it, as he got out. "Thanks" he mumbled and I nodded, heading inside with him. I didn't reach for his hand like I usually do because I'm not sure if he wants that really. I held the door open for him and he walked inside, and I followed behind him. "Table for two?" Someone asked standing by the door. I looked her way and nodded, "Yes please." She smiled and grabbed two menus. "Would you like to be seated indoors or outdoors?" She had asked and I shrugged a bit, "Outdoors, I suppose." She nodded and showed us outside to an empty table. I took a seat once Harry had sat. She placed the menus on the table for us then looked at us, "Can I start you off with anything to drink?" I opened my menu and nodded, "How about your finest wine?" I asked and she smiled once more and nodded, "It'll be right out." She said and walked away, leaving us alone. Harry had picked up his menu and began looking, as did I. When our waitress came, we ordered our food. Once she had left, I grabbed our glasses and poured the wine into them. I handed one over to Harry and he took it. I put the bottle down then took a sip of the wine as Harry did too. "So, I thought that after this, we could go see a movie. Sound okay?" I asked him and he nodded, putting his glass down. "Sounds fine with me." Our food showed up about 15 minutes later. The waitress asked if we needed anything else, and I said no, so she left and we began to eat. We stayed quiet as we ate then I asked, "Is the food okay?" Harry swallowed his food, nodded then spoke, "Yeah, it's really good. Is yours okay?" He asked me and I nodded, "It's excellent." He smiled a tiny bit then continued to eat, as did I. I wasn't sure on what movie we'd see after diner, but I'm sure we'll work it out and decide on something. Our dinner went on for almost 2 hours, mainly because we just talked and tried to have a decent time together. Our waitress came by, dropped off our check and took our plates. I took out my card, and placed it inside the holder and gave it back to the waitress when she walked by. Within a couple seconds, she came back, gave me my card and told us to have a great night. I told her as well then got up with Harry and headed out. I unlocked the car doors and opened Harry's door then once he was seated inside, I closed the door and got in on my side. "What kind of movie are you wanting to see?" Harry asked and I shrugged. "Not sure. We'll just see what's playing when we get there." I told him and he nodded, then looked out the window as I drove to the theater. Once we were there, I walked up to the box office with Harry and looked at the movie options. "Can we see The Boss?" Harry asked and I nodded, "Yeah, it looks good." I pulled out my wallet and paid for 2 tickets then headed inside with Harry and into our movie. I let him find the seats and once we were settled in the middle section, I sat beside him. When the movie had started, I noticed that Harry was leaned back, so I slowly put my arm around his shoulders, hoping he'd stay the way he is, and surprisingly, he did. For the rest of the movie, we stayed in that position only because I didn't want to do anything else to make him uncomfortable.

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