Chapter 34.

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Harry had gotten into our bed while I closed the curtains so it'd be dark and the movie wouldn't have a glare. I then laid beside him, getting under the covers and I put one arm around him and I watched as he leaned into my embrace. I smiled and kissed the top of his head while he looked through our movie channels. "What kind of movie are we wanting to watch?" He asked and I shrugged, "Whatever you'd like, love." I looked at the tv screen as he flipped through every genre of movies. Horror, comedy, romance, drama and so on. He then went back to the romance. He flipped through the movies and then found the one to watch. The Notebook. We've probably watched this movie a thousand times only because it's Harry's favorite romance movie of all time. He pressed play, turned up the volume and then placed the remote on the nightstand. Once it had officially started, I watched. Yeah I'll admit, I cried the first time at the end. I mean that's how you know it's true love. Throughout the movie, I would rub Harry's side and pull him closer. He would smile and look up at me and leave a soft kiss on my cheek or jaw then go back to watching the movie. When it got to the end, I heard a small sniffle come from Harry and I softly chuckled. "You cry every time." He playfully punched my side and huffed, "Shut up. It's sad." I just laughed and reached over, getting the remote and I stopped the movie then looked at him, "You know, if that ever happened to you, I'd come everyday to read you our love story." He looked me right in the eyes and smiled, "You would?" He asked and I nodded, "Every single day. Even if you wouldn't remember. I'd be there with you." He smiled and peck my lips, "That's really sweet of you, Louis." I smiled, pecking his, "You're my cupcake. No matter what happens between us." "Even if you date someone else?" He asked and I nodded, "You're the first to steal my heart, and therefore, you'll always have it. But don't worry about me dating anyone else. I still see us together in the future." I assured him and he nodded. I kissed his head then held him close once more. As young as we are, I know our future is bright and I know there's some exciting things coming. I won't tell you what, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out at the end of this sentence, but until then, he's the only one I want to own my heart. The only one I want to wake up to. The one to smile at and kiss. You get it, right? He's my one and only.

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