Chapter 4.

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After I sent Harry that message, I started to watch the time fly by, awaiting for lunch time. I'm not sure where we're going, but we'll decide. "Louis, are you listening to me at all?" My teacher asked and I blinked, looking at her, "Yeah, I am. Or so I think. What'd you say?" I ask, making her shake her head in response, "Your worksheet is due at the end of class, while everyone else's is due tomorrow." She says and I raise an eyebrow, "Why is mine due at the end? Just because I wasn't listening?" I ask, laughing, "Such bullshit" I added. She ignored my language and continued to teach while I worked on the stupid worksheet. I guess this is what happens when you aren't the teachers pet nor listen in class. Whatever, just a couple more months. When class comes to an end around 11:55 a.m., I got up, handing her my completed worksheet then I headed back to my seat, grabbing my books and headed towards the door right as the bell rang for lunch. I pushed through people in the halls, mainly those couples who stop in the middle of the hallway just to eat off each others face, and I headed to the back gate where I then waited for Harry to show up. I leaned up against a tree, waiting then I finally see him doing the same as me, pushing through crowds of people and couples. "I really hate how couples think it's totally okay to just stop in the middle of the hall just to kiss. Like there's people trying to get places." Harry ranted, causing me to chuckle, "I agree with you." He smiled, walking with me out the gate, "Okay, so I couldn't decide where to go for lunch, so where would you like to go? I'm buying" I say, looking down at him. He shrugged in response, "McDonald's? It's right down the street." I said, shrugging and he nodded, "Yeah, that's good with me." We walked down the street to the McDonald's trying to get there rather quickly so we can beat the crowd of people following. I stood in line while Harry got us a table then he stood with me, both of us looking at the menu. As the line moved up, so did we and when we reached the counter, I let Harry order first, then I ordered for myself, paying after the cashier read back our orders. "Hey Haz, can you get me Pepsi?" I asked, handing Harry my cup, who nodded and headed to the soda fountain. I watched him, then paid attention for my name to be called. "Order for Louis." I heard the cashier say and I smiled, walking up and I took the tray, "Thank you." I said, before walking to the table Harry had chosen. I placed Harry's food in front of him and I began to eat mine as he began to eat his. "So tonight if you don't have homework, would you like to go see a movie? I know it's a school night, but why not" I said, adding a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I'd love to." Harry said, making us both smile.

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