Chapter 9.

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"Harry.. I know about it now." Louis said on the other end of the phone. "I-I don't know what you mean, Louis." I stuttered once more. I really need to stop stuttering because the more I stutter, the more he's going to know that I know what he found out. I let out a muffled sigh, "Louis I'm so sorry. I tried to get over it. I did. I just.. I couldn't and I'm so sorry. You probably think it's disgusting that I have a crush on you. You're my best friend who's a guy! I'm just.." I stopped. Oh boy, here's the tears, "I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. You can think I'm disgusting, but please don't hate me. I don't want to lose you. That's my worst fear. We've been friends for so long, and I don't want to lose you." I babbled on and on, not even giving Louis a chance to talk. "Harry, calm down, okay? Please take a breather. It's okay. I'm not going to hate you, or think you're disgusting, okay? Relax for me." He said and I put my phone down, taking in a few deep breaths, until I was semi calm before picking my phone up, "Better?" He asked. "A little." I replied. "Now, let's talk about it." He said and I swallowed hard. This won't end well, so why would he want to talk about it? "O-okay.." I softly said. "Would you rather do it over the phone, or face to face?" He said. "What would you like?" I asked in response to his question. "Well, probably face to face is better, so I'll be over in about 10 minutes, okay?" He said once more and I nodded even though he couldn't see it, so I spoke, "Okay." He hung up and I put my phone down, screaming into my pillow as loud as I could, then I heard my voice crack. I then threw my pillow across my room and I wiped my face from the fresh tears. I'm such a mess now.. I don't want to see the outcome of what's going to happen once Louis gets here and we start talking. I just don't..

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