Chapter 12.

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It's been about a week since the whole situation with Harry. I haven't heard from him. I haven't seen him at school either. Today is Saturday and still nothing from him. I would go over to his house and his mum would tell me that's he's either asleep or showering and to come back another time, but when I would, I'd get told the same thing. This wasn't supposed to happen, but I guess it's good that it did. It'll give us both time to think. I'm the one who needs to think the most. I really do. Here I am, laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what I should think about. I mean, I already know, but I'm just not letting my mind think about it. I closed my eyes, putting everything together. Okay, Harry likes me more than anything. I told him it was normal, yet I don't have an affection towards him. Wow, I really fucked him over with that. Nice going Louis. Anyways, he told me that he'd never stop feeling that way towards me. I can't stop him.. but that doesn't mean I can develop feelings for him. Woah, what? I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling once more. Did I really just think that? I mean, yeah, okay. I meant to say it. Think about it though. Harry is a sweet, adorable kid. Whenever he doesn't get his way, he'd huff and pout. Even stomp his feet at times. I'm always smiling when he's around me, and I always love it when he's with me. Oh god.. have I secretly fallen for Harry, but never caught onto myself..? I quickly sat up, standing up and I grabbed my phone, looking for 'Hazza.' Once I found it, I let my thumb hover over the call option. Think Louis before you do this. I clicked call and put my phone up to my ear, listening to the ring. He probably won't answer, but I can try. After the fifth ring, he answered, but didn't speak. I took in a deep breath then spoke, "Harry, I.." I stopped then spoke again, "I love you." I waited for a response from him, but instead the line went dead. I looked at my phone then put it down. Was that a mistake..? Did I even mean it, or was I just leading him on? "What have I done now" I asked myself, shaking my head.

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