Chapter 28.

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Today is graduation day. Yup, Harry and I are now seniors done with high school. It's crazy to think because just 4 years ago we were freshmen, then when sophomore year came, we were dating. It's just.. wow. I stood with the other graduates as we waited for our names to be called. I would look up the line to see Harry. He would look back at me and smile then quickly look away. I still can't believe I'm with that boy. He's everything to me. The graduation music began and I took in a deep breath, relaxing myself. I looked around in the football bleachers and I smiled, seeing my mum, sisters and Harry's family with mine. Lottie and Fizzy waved, so I waved back then started to walk once the line began to move up. It took about 10 minutes before I heard, "Harry Styles." So many people cheered and I smiled, watching as he walked up to our principal, taking his diploma. "That's my baby!" Anne yelled and I chuckled at her. About 5 minutes later, my name was called, "Louis Tomlinson." People cheered and clapped. My mum yelled out the same Anne did for Harry and I smiled, taking my diploma then I took my seat. Luckily, Harry sat in front of me, so I placed my diploma on my lap and I placed my hands on his shoulders. He slightly turned his head, looking at me and he smiled. I returned a smile then sat back, taking my diploma in my hands, looking down at it. After every senior was announced, our principal talked, "To this class of 2015. Thank you for all the hard work. It's good to see you all have a diploma in your hand. It's good to see all the friends you have met over the years. The relationships that were made. There were difficulties throughout the year, but we overcame them, no alone, but as a family. I hope that after this, you all continue to make good decisions. You go to college and become something big. Have your own family one day, but make sure it's the right time. Make sure you do your life right. Don't mess up now. Congratulations to you all." After he spoke, we all stood up as our principal pointed our way and everyone clapped and cheered. We took off our caps and threw them up into the air. I noticed Harry standing on his chair, so I held my arms up, and he placed his hands on my shoulders and I picked him up and over the chair, putting him on the ground in front of me. He smiled, looking up at me and I returned a smile. "We did it. We actually did it, together." He said and I nodded, "Now we have a new beginning ahead of us." I added. We made it out of our seats and Harry ran to his mum, hugging her tightly as she hugged back. I smiled and then I felt people on me. I looked down and I hugged Lottie and Fizzy. Soon my mum walked down holding the twins and I hugged her, then kissed the twins' cheeks. "Congratulations, Louis." My mum said and I smiled, "Thank you." I felt a hand slip into mine, so I intertwined my fingers with the hand that was in mine. I already knew it was Harry's cause it's so small compared to mine. My mum smiled at us two, "It's still shocking to me that you two fell in love, but it's a very good thing." I smiled, and looked down at Harry who was already looking up at me, "Trust me, it's shocking to us as well." Harry said, now looking at my mum. "But I'm happy we did.. really happy." I couldn't help but to keep my smile. 3 years with this boy.. couldn't be any happier than I am now. Soon enough, we'll have our own family one day. I hope.

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