Chapter 15.

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I guess today will be good. I hope it will be at least. I don't think I'll be able to maintain myself around Louis today. I already embarrassed myself.. can't do that again. After I had gotten dressed, I heard a car horn. I looked out my window to see Louis' car in my driveway. I grabbed my Jack Wills hoodie and headed out after saying goodbye to Gem and my mum. I closed the front door behind me and I walked over to Louis' car, opening the door and I sat in the passenger side seat, closing the door. I didn't look at him yet, but I could feel him looking right at me. I waited till we were driving before I looked over at him. He was so focused on the road, so I smiled just a bit, then I looked out the window to see what we were passing by. After a good 5 minute drive, Louis parked his car into a parking place and got out, walking to my side and opened the door. Well, this is new from him. Maybe he's trying to win my heart. No, don't start thinking like that Harry. I stepped out, closing the door behind me then I stood by his side, walking with him once he started to walk. "So, any particular place to go?" I asked, looking up at him as he shook his head, "Just walking around. Get some fresh air." I slowly nodded in response and looked around. As I stepped closer to Louis due to another person walking on the sidewalk, I felt his hand slip into mine. I didn't want to check if I was right on what I felt, so I just kept my hand the way it was until he slowly intertwined our fingers. Now I know what I felt was right. I then slowly looked down, seeing our hands perfectly intertwined. I couldn't help but to smile, making sure it was hidden from Louis. I have to admit, I love this feeling. A lot..

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