Chapter 36.

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After 10 minutes has past, I heard a knock on the front door. Harry had stood up before I could and he opened the front door to see the delivery guy standing there with our food. Harry handed over his card, watching the guy swipe it. "Sign here, please." He told Harry, which Harry did. "I left a tip. Thank you so much." Harry spoke and I heard the delivery guy say, "Thank you and have a good night" then I heard the door close and lock. I got up and walked towards Harry, taking the food to the kitchen, placing it on the counter. "It smells good. As always." Harry said and I chuckled, "I would hope it smells good." I took the food out of the bag and placed it on the counter. Harry was the first to claim what was his then I took mine and headed back upstairs with him. "Now let's get that movie going." I said and Harry nodded, placing his food down and he clicked play on the movie. We began eating while watching the previews. After about 5 or 6 previews, the movie began. I noticed Harry had only eaten about half of his food and had now forgotten about it. I chuckled to myself before reaching over and I closed the lid then I took them downstairs, placing them in the fridge. I hurried back up to the room, not wanting to miss any of the movie. I had turned the light off before laying down, slowly pulling Harry down to my body, seeing how he was still sitting up. Almost towards the end, the movie got somewhat boring. To me at least. Harry was still laughing at some of the parts, so I just listened to him, while smiling to myself. Right as the movie ended and the credits began, I slowly slid my hand under Harry's chin, tilting his head up. He followed what I was doing and tilted his head back, looking up at me. I smiled, getting one from him then I leaned down, pressing our lips together. Our lips molded together, moving in sync. I felt Harry's hand on the back of my neck, so I deepened the kiss. Once the kiss what deepened, I ran my tongue along Harry's bottom lip, who then parted them, giving me entrance. As we started fighting for dominance, Harry decided to move his body and straddle me. I held his hips and I was so caught up in that, Harry won dominance. He slowly pulled away from the kiss, nipping at my bottom lip and I felt a smirk grow across my lips as I opened my eyes, looking at the boy in front of me. His lips red and swollen from the kissing. "To bad you pulled away. It would've gone farther." I admitted and I got a laugh from Harry. "You're one horny person, you know that?" I nodded in response. I am to be honest. "Nothing wrong with that." I said and Harry snorted out another laugh, "True." I smiled, leaning my head back. Harry then ran his hands down my chest and slipped his fingers past the waistband on my jeans. "I want to see how you can get in bed. I want to see if you can tie me up, make me beg for you." He whispered, leaning in by my ear, kissing right under it, "Make me your slave. Make me cry from the pleasure. Think you can do that?" He asked, nipping at my ear and I shivered. What the hell got into him all of a sudden. He grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at him, "Think you can? Hmm." He said once more and I nodded. "I can." And I will. A smirk grew across his lips and he got off of me. Harry's got something coming his way. Hope he can handle it. 

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