Chapter 39.

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It all just happened so fast.. Louis has never been this way with me. He's never hit me before.. I ran before he could feel sorry. I locked myself in the room and I began to pack a bag. I just threw random clothes into it, my toothbrush, my phone charger and a pair of shoes. I grabbed my phone and I quickly walked out of the room before Louis could come up to try and apologize. I sniffles and wiped under my eyes and I walked out of the house and walked down the street. I didn't want to look back to see if he was coming after me. He probably doesn't even know I left, but I don't care. I walked a couple blocks and I got to my good friend Nick's house. I knocked on the door and he answered within a couple seconds. "Hey, Harr- woah, what's the matter?" He asked, noting my tears and he brought me inside. "Louis. He just.. he changed all of a sudden and hit me. I couldn't stay another second, so can I please stay with you for a couple days? Maybe he'll realize what happened, if not, I'll end it and go back to Holmes Chapel." I said and Nick nodded half way through my sentence, "Yes, of course you can stay. The guest bedroom is empty, so go ahead and make yourself at home. It'll be okay." He assured me, giving a gentle hug. I hugged back, hiding my face in his chest since there's a height difference between us too. I pulled away and headed to the guest room where I laid down. I want to believe he'll realize, but you don't always get what you want.


It's been almost two weeks since the incident with Louis. I've received no text messages or phone calls. Maybe he won't realize. Maybe it's a sign that we should just end.. Not like that's what I want, but if that's what it means, then okay. I won't fight. I checked my phone once more. Nothing. I sighed and put it on the nightstand then I stood up and pulled out clean clothes. I headed to the bathroom and I started a shower. Once the water was hot enough, I got in and let the water run down on my body. I closed my eyes as the water ran down my face. I pushed my hair back and began to wash my body. Once my body was washed, I washed my hair. I rinsed it out and I stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I headed back to my room and I dried off then got dressed. As I dried my hair, my phone rang. I walked over and saw the name "Boobear!" pop up. I took in a deep breath and slid the green phone symbol over and I put my phone to my ear. "Hi.." I spoke softly. "Harry. Please don't hang up." Louis spoke and I looked at my free hand, "Why shouldn't I." I asked and I heard Louis sigh, "Harry, I'm sorry, okay? I am truly sorry for hitting you. I would never intentionally lay a hand on you. Please believe me. I have anger issues and I just snapped. I didn't mean it. I love you too much to ever lay a hand on you like that. I'm not abusive to anyone I love, just please come home Harry. I can't go another sleepless night without you. I can't stand reaching over and feeling a cold, empty bedside. Please.. I need you home with me. I need to just hold you and have you know how sorry I am." He pleaded and I closed my eyes, a single tear running down my cheek, "You hurt me Louis. Physically and emotionally." I said and he spoke, "I know and I didn't meant to. Harry please hear me out. That wasn't me when I hit you. My anger took over. I promise it won't happen again, and if it does, leave me and don't come back." I wiped the tear away and spoke, "Okay. I'll be home later." "Thank you.." He said then I hung up. I packed my things then left a note for Nick since he was at work. Before I left, I stood in the doorway, thinking twice. Should I believe him and go back..? I'll find out the hard way. 

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