Chapter 46.

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(Warning: Smut!)

I watched as Harry looked at me and I saw where his eyes had landed. I didn't lean in and kiss him. In fact, I did nothing. He looked away after a couple more seconds of looking, and I looked away too, thinking about what I should say or do. "Can we make up?" I asked him. He turned his head, looking at me, "What?" He asked. "I said, can we make up." I said once more. He looked at me so confused, "Yeah, I'd like to, but for what?" He asked. "I want to make up for everything. The fights, me hitting you, me causing you to not trust me." I said and he looked at his hands, "Please." I said and he looked up at me, "How?" "Let me show you." I said, standing up and I held my hand out for him. He looked at it, then took my hand and I helped him up. Once he was up, I kept his hand in mine as I headed upstairs with him, going into the bedroom, or should I say our bedroom. I'm sure you all know what I meant by 'making up.' When we got into the bedroom, I didn't waste anytime, so I turned around and leaned down, pressing my lips to Harry's. He immediately moved his lips with mine, almost like we were both dying for this. I moved my hands to his back, pressing his body to mine as I deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me deeply. I pulled away only to catch my breath, and once I did, I kissed down his neck, nipping a few times so he'd tilt his head back and when he caught on, he tipped it back. Once I started to suck on his neck, he ran his fingers through my hair and gripped the hair on the back of my neck. I knew he was enjoying it because he always grips when he's enjoying something. "Do you trust me" I asked against his neck, "I want you to trust me again, Harry, so tell me you do." I said, looking at him. He looked up at me, and nodded, "Yes, Louis. I trust you, okay? I fucking trust you with everything now, and I'm sorry I took this long to tell you." He said and I smiled a bit, pressing a kiss to his lips, "Now shh. I'm going to take care of you now, just like we both want." I whispered in his ear, slightly nipping at his earlobe and I felt his knees buckle. I slid my hands down the back of his thighs and I picked him up, turning my body and I walked towards the bed. As I walked towards the bed, Harry was already grinding against me and nipping at my neck. Let me tell you that I'm trying so hard right now not to drop his ass on the hard floor. Without warning Harry, I dropped him on the bed and I got a gasp from him. I crawled onto the bed as Harry began to crawl backwards on the bed, getting closer to the headboard. I grabbed his legs and pulled him down to me, earning a squeal. I took both of his hands and held them above his head with one of my hands while I used the other to slid down his body. He's got a nice little body, did I ever tell you that? Even if he's fully dressed or fully naked in front of me. When I reached his lower abdomen, he pushed his hips up and started to rut against my hand as if he already needed friction. I smirked, pressing my hand down hard and he let out a struggled breath. "Louis, please. Don't tease me right now." I removed my hand and sat myself up on my knees, in between his legs. I sat him up and I pulled off his shirt, tossing it somewhere into the room then I pushed him back down onto his back and pulled mine off as well, along with my jeans so I'm left in my boxers. I then removed Harry's sweats, tossing them somewhere and I snaked my fingers under his boxers and I began to pull them off. He lifted his hips so it'd be easier and when I had them off, I threw them. "So beautiful." I said, running my hands up his inner thighs and I pushed them apart. He covered up his face when I looked at him and I smirked, leaning down and I pressed my lips to his inner thigh, sucking so I'd leave a mark. He squirmed a bit and I held his body still as I pulled back, "Stay still, babe, or I can't take care of you, and you want that, right?" I asked and he nodded, letting out a whimper. "Use your words." I said. "I want you to take care of me, please." He pleaded and I moved my hands up to his hips. "Okay, baby."  

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