Chapter 23.

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The flight wasn't very long seeing how we live in London, so it was about an hour or so long. When the plane landed, I unbuckled my seat belt and I stood up, following Louis out once we were able to get off. I looked around and when we got out of the hallway/isle, I saw a lady greeting people. I held Louis' hand as we got closer. "Bonjour." She said to us and I smiled and repeated back, "Bonjour." Louis chuckled a bit as he said it back. We went to baggage claim and found our bags and Louis carried his, while I carried mine. We walked down the escalator and saw a man holding a sign, reading, "Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles." I looked up at Louis, walking with him to the man. He took us out to his limo and opened the door for us. Louis got in first then I got in after him, closing the door. "Ooh, fancy." I said, giggling as Louis put his arm around my shoulders. "Gotta have the best for your birthday, my love." He said and I smiled, looking out the window as the man drove us to our hotel. "It's beautiful here, Louis. Thank you so much." I said, looking up at him. Louis met my gaze and smiled, "Anything for you." He said and then leaned down, connecting our lips together. I smiled, kissing him as he moved his lips with mine. I slowly pulled away, adding a soft peck on his lips before turning my head to look out the window again. It was beyond beautiful. Everything was lit up, touch of snow on everything. It's perfect. Our driver stopped at our hotel, got out and opened the door for us, helping us both out. "Thank you" I told him and he nodded, giving a smile. "I hope you two enjoy your stay here." He told us, handing Louis and I our bags. I smiled and I walked inside as Louis followed. He checked us in and I took the room key, going to the elevator. Louis pressed the button with our floor number and the elevator went up. When the doors opened, I walked out with Louis and he lead me to our room. He took the key from me, unlocked the door then stood behind me, covering my eyes. "Now, walk forward, and don't trip cause there's a step." He told me and I nodded, slowly taking steps, stepping down when I reached the step. When Louis made me stop walking, he slowly uncovered my eyes and I blinked a few times, looking around. Wow.. the room was HUGE. I smiled when I noticed the roses on the bed, along with a bottle of champagne. I looked back at Louis and smiled, "I love it." He smiled and brought in our bags and I helped him put our things away. So far, this is the best birthday ever, but I think there's more to come of it.

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