Chapter 3

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The day went by really fast and I was on my way to band practice. On my way there Deshun had caught up with and wrapped his arm around my neck.

Deshun: What's up shawty.

Omari: Heyy.

Deshun: Where you headed?

Omari: Practice.

Deshun: Oh ok. We'll here is my number.

Omari: What is it for?

Deshun: Friends can't talk on the phone.

Omari: I mean they can...depending on what kinda friends you trying to be.

Deshun: You'll see shawty. (Wink)

Deshun's POV

I'm really feeling Mari...Like lil dude is fine. I really don't know what I am at the moment. But I'm working on. I heard that prom is coming up and I don't know if I wanna brang a girl or not. I think I wanna take Mari to prom. We both graduate next year so we would be King and Prince for Senoir Prom. He got me falling in love with him. I'm still questioning my sexuality. But I think I'm turning bisexual for Mari. Don't get me wrong. I still love girls. Mari is the only guy I want. That's why I gave him my number. He got a nigga numb.

End Of POV

I ran into Quan at the band hall so that I could change into my practice clothes.

Quan: What's up with it shawty.

Omari: Hey Quan.

Quan: Damn...that was dry as fuck.

Omari: Quan I just said hey.

Quan: I see the way you be starring at ole dude...but he can back off because your still mine.

Ok so let me break it down to y' and Quan dated last year...yeah I miss what we had but he stomped on my hurt and I don't wanna go through again with him because they say if they do it once they will do it again...daddy didn't raise no fool.

Omari: Quan does it matter and I'm not yours any more. Meaning I moved on. So I don't need you confusing me on what I want. Ok boo boo. Alright.

Quan: He might be fine and got swagg but now that nigga won't love you like I did.

Omari: Good bye Quan I do not have time this.

As I walked off...he grabbed my arm aggressively. Yeah I did forget to tell y'all that he used to beat my ass. I mean literately whoop ass. I had to lie and say that I was spending the night Kyla's house to hide the bruises from my parents. They don't play.

I looked at my arm then back at him. I kept doing it until let me go.

Omari: Thank you...I have nothing else to say to you. If he would've saw that you would've been on that ground.

I said that and walked off. Now it's time for practice.

We got into formation. The band started playing "Stand Up And Get Crunk" and I  throughed the first stand. Then came the second one. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8 1-2-3 and 4-5-6-7-8.

Practice was really good. Now I'm ready to go home and get in my bed. I'm so tired.

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