Chapter 66: Trip To Dallas

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•The Gala•

We walked into the gala and it was nice. I was still trying to process what Shun had just told me. Am I ready to be a husband to a NBA player. Was this really happening right now. I grabbed 2 glasses of champagne that one of the servants had on a tray.

Kyla: Boy you better slow down.

Mari: I can't. Shun just told me that he got drafted in the NBA by the Golden State Worriers.

Kyla: What?

Mari: Yes. I don't think I'm ready.

Kyla: Boy, if you don't wake up and smell  the Champagne. Isn't this what you wanted. No this was you, "If you get drafted I'll know how hard you worked to be my husband and start a family.

Mari: You right. But don't you think I'm a little bit unprepared?

Kyla: Boy you got this. You better slay that spot light.

Mari: I guess your right. Now go see  what that cute guy over there that's checking you out want.

As Kyla left I swollowed two more champagnes and I was going to our table where dad and mom was.

Ashley: Hey everything ok?

Mari: Yes momma, everything is ok.

Pj: Son have you been drinking?

Mari: A little. Just still trying to process stuff.

Ashley: It's about the draft situation.

Mari: How did---

Ashley: Moms know everything. I think you shouldn't worry so much baby. I mean I know your not ready to move out just yet. And you don't have too. I want you to focus on college right now.

Mari: Yes mam.

Pj: Promise me one thing.

Mari: What's that dad?

Pj: No kids and marriage until you graduate college.

Mari: I promise. Now gotta promise me one thing.

Pj: What's that?

Mari: A car. A 2016 Jaguar XF Coal Grey.

Pj: Ok.

After we finished our talk most of the guest started leaving. Dad called our limo and then we waited

Shun: You know I can't wait until we get back to the hotel.

Mari: Why?

Shun: You'll see shawty.

Our limo pulled up and we waited until the driver opened our door. I got in and  as soon as Shun got in I laid my head on his shoulder.

Kyla: They are so cute.

Trell: Monji needs to be taking notes.

Monji: I'm trying.

Kyla: Here we go🙄.

We got to the hotel and when we made it in the lobby Shun picked me up and carried me on the elevator and to our room.

He opened the door and there was candles lit and roses everywhere.

Mari: Bay it's not our anniversary.

Shun: I know. I just wanted this night to be special.

Mari: Aww babyy...wait. Are you ready to play for the NBA.

Shun: I'm ready. I'm ready to start get married and ready for you to have my kids.

Mari: You meeting is when we get back right.

Shun: Yes. Be quiet and let me take care of you.

After our love session it was now 5:00 in the morning and I fell asleep.

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