Chapter 17

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The Raping Convosation

Kyla: Hey boo.

Me: Hey. I have something to tell you. So yesterday I was walking home after band practice because I didn't feel like waiting for the bus so I started walking and Quan and his friends took me to his apartment and they raped me. I tried to run but the tall light skinned one tripped me.

Kyla: Oh hell no...Mrs.Jackson Me and Omari need to go to the gym to speak with Coach Curry.

Mrs.Jackson: Ok.

Kyla: Have you told the police.

Me: No.

Kyla: Marii.

Me: I didn't feel like it at the time because I wanted to go take a shower and wash them off of me.

Kyla: Coach Curry we need to talk to Mr.Williams.

Coach Curry: Sure...he's on his way now.

Kyla: You better tell him every damn thing that happened.

Shun: What's up y'all what's going on?

Kyla: You better tell him or I will.

Me: Baby, yesterday I was walking because we got out of practice early and I didn't feel like waiting on the bus to come. So when I was approaching down the the other street 2 boys jumped me and come to find out they knew Quan...all three of them raped me.

His eyes was raging with anger and frustration. I knew then that he was not playing. He went back to Coach Curry and then a few minutes later he came back fully dressed.

Shun: Kyla take him home and call the police. I will text you in 3 hours.

Kyla: K and you be careful...don't get caught.

Shun: Don't get him more upset...just know I gotta protect me and mines. These niggas getting too comfortable.

Kyla: Just be careful.

I don't know what Shun and his boys finna do but I know it's something dangerous. I knew Shun had this thug side of him but I didn't know it was like this.

I gotta go to church Sunday...I gotta get the devil off of my back.

When Kyla got me home she called the police. Then they were on their way.

My dads answered the door for the police officer. All I could say was damnn. Now they gone know.

Police Officer: Good Evening I am Officer Johnson. We got a raping complaint from you son Omari Anderson.

Trey: Nice to meet you...come in.

Omari: Um yes... I was walking home from band practice yesterday because we got out earlier. I didn't feel like waiting for the bus so I started walking and 2 guys was walking up to me. They were acting suspicious so I started to run but the tall light skinned dude tripped me. Then there friends hat go to school with Quan'Tarvis took me to his apartment and tied me up to bed and all 3 took turns to rape me.

Officer  Johnson: Are you talking about drug dealer Quan. Mr.Anderson?

Me: Yes.

Officer Johnson: Ok I will get him so don't you worry.

Officer Johnson had left and my dads were asking me if I was ok and stuff.

Kyla was still here. Everybody was hugging me and stuff.

3 hours had pasted and Shun had texted me. Thank you Jesus.

I gotta be prepared for this parade and game tomorrow.

This has been a long and tiring Thursday.

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