Chapter 69: 2 Days Before Thanksgiving

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This morning we had a lot to do before Thanksgiving morning. We had to go grocery shopping for the food and supplies we would need to prepare the food.

Mari: GoodMorning baby...I'll be back in a bit. Mom wants me to go to the grocery store with her. (Whispers in his ear).

Shun: (Stirs in sleep) Baby get back in bed.

Mari: Did you hear anything I said.

Shun: Yes baby...just hurry back.

Mari: Okay...oh and can you take my brother to the mall. Maybe bonding time? You know his birthday is coming up?

Shun: Of course baby...and yeah I know.

Mari: Thanks...I'll be back in a few.

Shun's POV

I got out of bed and stretched. I got in the shower and then put my navy blue Polo jumpsuit on with the white horse and my white air force 1's.

Shun: LaTrell?

Trell: Huh? What's up?

Shun: Put some clothes on, we going to the mall.

Trell: Okay.

I went down stairs and waited for Trell to get done getting ready.

Trell: I'm ready.

Shun: Aight, let's go.

The car ride to the mall was silent.

Shun: So how you and Monji doing.

Trell: We good...we still getting it together.

Shun: Aight. Your birthday coming up. You know what you wanna do.

Trell: Go out to eat with my brothers and have movie night with the family.

Shun: I'll talk to your brothers about dinner...but movie night shouldn't be a problem.

Trell: Thanks.

Shun: You welcome little let's go shop.

Mari's POV

I was done grocery shopping with my mom. We made it back home and the maid went to go get the groceries.

I call Kyla since we haven't heard from her since we made it back from Dallas and haven't came and got her car yet.

Phone Convo

Kyla: Hello.

Mari: Heyy boo.

Kyla: Heyy.

Mari: Wyd.

Kyla: Nothing just been chillin with Jayceon.

Mari: Oh okay then boo. You better. He is fine.

Kyla: Where is Shun because you said that mighty loud😂.

Mari: Bonding time with my brother at the mall.

Kyla: Aww, That was sweet.

Mari: Yup, where Jayceon at now?

Kyla: He in the shower.

Mari: Damn did he move in Chile.

Kyla: Something like that.

Mari: Damn boo😂.

Kyla: Yup.

Mari: You know your car still over here right.

Kyla: Yeah I know. I been trying to come get it.

Mari: Lol been too distracted.😂😂 Hell I would be too.😂

Kyla: Boy shut up.😂😂 What time dinner starting Thursday?

Mari: 5:30

Kyla: Okay boo. I'll talk to you later.

Mari: Okay boo.

End Of Phone Convo

I went in the room and prepared for my shower. It was going on 4:00 and I wondered what was Shun and Trell up too.

I finished up my shower and layed down for a bite. Next thing I knew I was catching those 💤's I woke up at 10 and seen that Shun was getting in bed.

Mari: Hey baby.

Shun: was your day?

Mari: It was good and yours?

Shun: It was good. We had fun.

Mari: That's good. What y'all eat?

Shun: We had shrimp, chicken, and steak pasta from the Pasta joint by the mall. What you eat?

Mari: I haven't had anything all day.

Shun: Do you want me to to go back out and get you something.

Mari: Oh no baby...I am fine.

Shun: Are you sure cau—.

Mari: Baby, I'm fine...thanks anyway though😘.

Shun: Okay baby...I love you...good night😘.

Mari: I love you too baby...good night😘.

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