Chapter 63: Planning Trip To Dallas

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I woke up this morning feeling great as usual. I got out the bed and looked To for Shun, but I all I seen was a empty bed. I put my robe on and went down stairs.

I walked down stairs not surprised because every morning our house was packed. I didn't know Devin and Leon was coming over. I see they and my dad hit it off pretty well.

I sat next to Kyla who was checking Leon out.

Mari: You know, if you took a picture it would last longer.

Kyla: He is so damn fine.

Mari: You should look down past his waist.

Kyla: Damn, now that would fuck my life up.

Mari: Rofl. I can not.

Pj: Family meeting. Waiting on Ashley.

Ashley: I know somebody else is late besides me.

Pj: Nah babe, just you.

Ashley: Here here.

Pj: We going to Dallas, Texas.

Mari: You don't have to tell me twice. I said getting up going to pack.

Kyla: Me either. Me and Mari can finally have BestFriend time.

Mari: Ikr.

Shun: (Clears Throat)

Mari: Oh please, don't even try it. You owed me remember.

Kyla. You and your brothers will be hanging out. It will be the guys with the guys and the girls with the girls.

Ashley: Yeah I don't it's bad idea for me to hang out with Kyla and Mari.

Kyla: Come through momma Ashley.

Pj: Pack a White and Gold Outfit. We going out to eat the first night we get there. Devin and Leon, did y'all want to go?

Devin: Nah, my Lil man Birthday party is today.

Pj: Oh ok, well you guys or more than welcomed to come.

Leon: Thanks.

I couldn't wait until I got to Dallas. All of the cute boys. The big buildings and skyscrapers. I was in my room packing a little bit too much but I had to make sure that looked good all 5 days that we were going to be gone. As I hung my White and Gold outfit on the hanger Shun walked behind me putting his close to mine with hands around my waist.

Shun: You was for real that you didn't want to spend any time with me in Texas?

Mari: You know I was just playing, but Shun I have to be honest. We need some space. Not bad space but good space. I promise you the next day will be all about us. I just wanna spend time with my momma and BestFriend and look at boys.

Shun: Don't get fucked up. I will hurt that nigga and go to jail.

Mari: Baby, I was playing.

Shun: Don't play like that. You know how I am.

Mari: Can you at least put a smile on your face while you watch tv.

Shun: Marii.

Mari: baby, what's wrong?

Shun: Mari nothing, I'm fine, damn!

I got up and walked out of our room stomping down the stairs. I flopped on the couch and scrolled on Instagram with my pissed off look still on face. It hurt my feelings knowing that he didn't even chase after me.

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