Chapter 59: Graduation Day

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Shun's POV

I never thought that this day would come. I'm  glad that I'm finally finna graduate. I couldn't be anymore happy because I get to graduate with my baby Mari.

As this new beginning start I vow to my self that I will not fuck up. I want us to get married and have kids. I vow to myself that I will be a great role model to our kids. If I lose Mari today or tomorrow, I wouldn't be ok. God would have to make room for me too.

Kyla's POV

Bitchhh I did it. To all them hoes who said i wouldn't. I'm so glad I'm leaving. I'm going to miss this band so much. Bucking those stands down on Friday nights. Hopefully I get to find me a man.

I'm so excited to buck these stands one last time before I start my new journey as a Jackson State J-Sette. I'm gonna miss this place.

Monji's POV

I can't believe graduation is already here. Where did the time go. I'm so glad I'm finna leave this school. Imma miss my lil shawty terribly.

Mari's POV

I was at home getting ready for graduation. What ever thais new chapter is I hope it's a great one. I know I been acting like a spoiled brat ever since me and Shun got together but everybody needs to know that, that is my man.

I put my blazer on and buttoned it. After I put my blazer on I was heading down stairs. I waited for everybody to show up and it seemed like they were taking forever. I got phone off the charger and got on Instagram. Then there was a knock on the door.

A smile instantly grew upon my face as I got up to go answer the door. I opened the door and it was Monji.

Mari: Oh it's just you.

Monji: Waiting to see Shun huh?

Mari: Yeah have you seen him.

Monji: Nah, Where's LaTrell though?

Mari: Upstairs getting ready.

Monji: Oh aight cool.

Mari: You can go up if you want too...I know y'all got stuff y'all need to talk about.

Monji: Thanks.

I sat back down in the couch a little lower this time waiting on Shun and Kyla. I don't where they ass at but we gone be late. I go in the kitchen and fix me a glass of orange juice.

Shun: Boo!

Mari: Gasp!

Shun: Lmao.

Mari: That's not funny and where were you...your late.

Shun: Im sorry babe. You ready to go?

Mari: Yeah...oh and we can't be forget to pick up the cake after graduation for the graduation party.

Pj: I already got that taking care of son.

Mari: Thanks dad.

We was walking to the car and we got in car. Before we pulled off Shun held my hand while driving. We arrived at the school and I was ready to to get this diploma.

•Graduation Ceremony•

Mr. Smith: Omari Anderson...

Mr.Smith: Kyla Aubrielle...

Mari: We did it boo.

Kyla: Ikr.

Mr. Smith: DeShun Williams...Graduating with a full basketball Scholarship to UCLA.

(Records Scratch)

Mari: Excuse Me, What Waz It?

Kyla: Ooo.

Mr. Smith. Congratulations to the Class Of 2017.

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